Starting our own TLD (top level domain)


Staff member
Okay for them that knows how teh wibbly interweb works this is all old hat. For the rest of you the internet is served to you via top level domains i.e., .com, .net et al.

These top level domains are highly controlled by "authorised" root servers that are responsible for listing authentic hosts from which to get DNS addresses.

I'll not go into any more detail than that, if you want to know more then go read wikipedia :)

Basically I was wondering if anyone would be interested in creating an unofficial TLD. All this means is that you either point your own personal DNS to a server supporting the official and unofficial TLD's. OR, you run your own DNS and add a new TLD record.

The obvious TLD to use would be .thn :) But out of fun and curiosity what else would you choose ?


Junior Administrator
hmm, sounds like fun. i run 2 of my own dns servers anyway so shudn't be too difficult!




In Cryo Sleep
LOL sounds like a awsome Idea!!

Heh thats a dammn hard question!! im now trying to think of a really good one!

Ok so not my own personal one but i think if all porn came under .porn it would make random instances of mistaken addresses be much less likely!

wat about:

.matrix (god thats geeky)


Super Moderator
Staff member
funny you should mention this...
I have been looking to get my website back up and running (planned on having ad was also thinking about this and if it was easily doable meaning i could have home.rmm as my main homepage but for now i think i'lll just let my address bar spoofing loose :p

i'm feeling awful and want to write more so may do when i'm back from bed...


Well-Known Member

*ahem*. I'll take some of that.. if it's what I think it is.


Junior Administrator