Status of Guild raiding


New Member
Hi Guys

Was wondering how much progression has been made, have u guys had a crack at uldar yet? Just curious :p.


Active Member
Yesterday we proved we have enough capable people to make two Ulduar 10man groups - sadly we haven't been able to form an Ulduar 25man yet, but we're working towards it.

As for progression INSIDE Ulduar, we have Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, Ignis (who is a giant bitch) and Deconstructor down, Kolgarn and Aurayia as well and currently working on Mimiron. I think - but I haven't personally witnessed it - the guild downed Freya as well.

We don't always succeed in downing all of these, but I'm still quite happy with how yesterday went (our group "only" passed FL, Razorscale, Deconstructor and Kolgarn and then got stuck on the trash before Aurayia and the giant lady herself).

All in all, it could be better, but it could also be much, much worse.



The guild has cleared everything up to Mimiron. We have downed 3/4 Keepers a few times and I think most raiders have now experienced at least the first few bosses in Ulduar. We have downed FL in 25.

EoE10 has recently been included as a weekly raid with mostly positive results.

Naxx10/Sarth10 (+ 1)/VoA10 are cleared weekly. Naxx25/VoA25/Sarth25 are done and cleared when we have the people.


In Cryo Sleep
Yup the guild is definatly doin better as time goes on , all those who stuck with us thru the think and thin will get the pay off when the 25's start kicking in regularly and we go back to doing boring old total Ulduar 25 raids...."God " il say "im so bloody bored of these easy bloody 25 man runs" ill add " lets go raid Ironforge or somthing im so fed up with having all this imba l00t pfft" ill finish ,lol


In Cryo Sleep
all said and done Angelic sumed it up nicely, raiding is getting better..definatly not worth leaving the guild over :)


Well-Known Member
Our best progress so far has been to about 50% of the way through Phase 3 of the Mimiron encounter, but he's our major barrier at the moment. Everything else before then has been going swimmingly well, I'm impressed that everyone's been pulling it together so much recently.


Active Member
I wouldn´t go as far as to say eveything before Mimiron goes swimmingly well - we struggled on Aurayia with our best tank and some of our best healers...

But yes, those things are passable.


Well-Known Member
Ever since the first time we got Auraiya down (on our first day of trying, only took a couple of attempts), we've usually one-shotted her, or only wiped due to exceptional circumstances (eg disconnects). I wouldn't base your experiences on your first Ulduar raid with us, Angie :p


New Member
Ulduar is going quitely good indeed, when I look at the stuff we did last friday we can say everything before Mirmiron goes realy nice and steady. The only wipes we had where from bad luck tbh. We only need to get Mirmiron down but that is just practice practice practice...


Active Member
Ever since the first time we got Auraiya down (on our first day of trying, only took a couple of attempts), we've usually one-shotted her, or only wiped due to exceptional circumstances (eg disconnects). I wouldn't base your experiences on your first Ulduar raid with us, Angie :p
Second now - the one before Lost and the one this Friday :) I wonder what we were doing wrong :S

Glenn, I'm not being negative, I admit people might conceive her as easy and she is indeed passable, but based on my experience (two unsuccessful wipefests on her) she's not all that piece-of-cake-ish :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Second now - the one before Lost and the one this Friday :) I wonder what we were doing wrong :S

Glenn, I'm not being negative, I admit people might conceive her as easy and she is indeed passable, but based on my experience (two unsuccessful wipefests on her) she's not all that piece-of-cake-ish :)

The crazy cat lady is fairly easy.
But unexpected things happen.
Basically wipes can be caused by anything from player/computer/connection messing up, to force major(Force major: Something happened. Yet nobody is to blame.)
All I can say is res up and go again :p


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

force major(Force major: Something happened. Yet nobody is to blame.)

It's force majeure. It's french. ;)

In any case, Ange, some times, a boss being easy or hard depends on who exactly is in the group. I'm not talking about the individual skill levels or gear of whoever is in the raid, I'm talking about the teaminess.

See, raiding is very much a team thing, and a team is a whole lot more than just ten people thrown together. A team is a group of people that can read each other well and extract value from each other's moves.

Since we're on Auraiya, let me tell you about my experiences with her. I've downed her now with four different main tanks: Tuldur, Rathje, Nactal and Lideon. All of them are quite good in their own right, but each of them has his own instincts and basic reactions.

As you no doubt know, Auraiya is a boss that has to be moved around from time to time during the encounter, and there are several good places to take her to, and there are slightly different timings under which it might happen.

Now, with some of those tanks, I know exactly when and to where she was going to be moved. With the others, I had to be just a tad more on my toes.

As it happens, I remember one wipe where the tank took her to place B instead of place A, and we weren't all in place when the big AoE thing she does hit, and a bunch of people died.

I'm not going to say which tank it was because that's not the point. It wasn't the tank's fault, it was bad timing and low teaminess.

Now, grantedly, given the right level of gear and the right amount of knowledge about a particular boss's tactics, teaminess will be a lot easier to generate in a WoW raid than in, say, a basketball squad or some such.

This means that certain groups can find themselves struggling, even on the easiest of bosses.

This is why I'm never overly surprised if I find myself wiping three or four times on a boss that I've one-shotted three times in a row.

And one more thing: WoW raid boss encounters are fairly chaotic. If a given team is right on the borderline regarding their ability to down a particular boss, then the timing in which the boss activates the more critical attacks can make a huge difference. For instance, in the Mimiron encounter, keeping the tank alive through the Plasma Blast is fairly straightforward... unless one of the healers has just been hit by the Napalm Shells. (*)

So you see, what some guys find somewhat hard and unpredictable, other guys might find easy as pie, even when the skill and gear are comparable.

Here's hoping I made sense.


(*) Me, I've been trying to ingrain the instinct to use Binding Heal so that I can keep myself and the tank alive through that particular mayhem. I can't rely on my basic staples of Flash Heal, PWS, Renew or POM anymore or I'll die myself, and I can't waste time with Desperate Prayer or the tank will croak.