There was/is some problem with the server that authenticates direct debit requests. I had it, but it seems to be fixed. Calling Billing Support would be the way to go if it is something else.
What is this thread about?
What is this thread about?
Let's see... a post in the WoW section... about payment problems... hmm... it might be a stretch and a hell of a conclusion-jump, but... problems with making his subscription payments for WoW?
Do I get a cookie?
Let's see... a post in the WoW section... about payment problems... hmm... it might be a stretch and a hell of a conclusion-jump, but... problems with making his subscription payments for WoW?
Do I get a cookie?
Do I get a cookie?
No. But you'll get one anyway!
Wait, what!?
Seriously, read those two senteces above attentively.
You need help.
Actually, he seems to be doing just fine. Check yourself though
What's with all the hostility?
If you pay for a month, they continue to take it out unless you tell them right? The only way to make it pay as you play is to order a month then immediately cancel the subscription.
[Chris Crocker Impression] LEEEEEEAVVVVEEEEE GOMBOLLLLL ALLOOOOONNEEEEE! [/Chris Crocker impression]
If you pay for a month, they continue to take it out unless you tell them right? The only way to make it pay as you play is to order a month then immediately cancel the subscription.