Still having payment problems


Active Member
[strike]Choose a porn site with a better payment plan if you cant pay where you are current using.[/strike]

So, this was a dumb thing to say, just like a thread with no clear topic.


Active Member
There was/is some problem with the server that authenticates direct debit requests. I had it, but it seems to be fixed. Calling Billing Support would be the way to go if it is something else.


Active Member
There was/is some problem with the server that authenticates direct debit requests. I had it, but it seems to be fixed. Calling Billing Support would be the way to go if it is something else.

What is this thread about?


Let's see... a post in the WoW section... about payment problems... hmm... it might be a stretch and a hell of a conclusion-jump, but... problems with making his subscription payments for WoW?

Do I get a cookie?

No. But you'll get one anyway!


New Member
Keep it OT people, it's about me not having enough money to pay for my porn subrscriptions, don't make me ban you from my thread.


In Cryo Sleep
Must....resist....joke..... anyway not too sure what advice i could give apart from the standard search blizz payments forum section and post if you think itd help. They really dont seem to have any issue taking payment from me :P

Really your best bet is avidly searching either blizzs or emailing them directly. Ill see if i can find something tomorrow to post, as of now its just a BRB GETTING INFOZ post!

Hang in there, youll be grindcrafting in no tiem <3


In Cryo Sleep
[Chris Crocker Impression] LEEEEEEAVVVVEEEEE KILLLLLLERRR ALLOOOOONNEEEEE! [/Chris Crocker impression]

If you pay for a month, they continue to take it out unless you tell them right? The only way to make it pay as you play is to order a month then immediately cancel the subscription.

Edited to make sense, cheers for the heads up gomby


Well-Known Member
What's with all the hostility? :(

Because words will have to suffice until there's an efficient way of launching people into the sun?

If you pay for a month, they continue to take it out unless you tell them right? The only way to make it pay as you play is to order a month then immediately cancel the subscription.

Yes and no. It's possible to have it go month-by-month and not auto-renew. I had it doing that at one point, then it stopped, and I can't remember for the life of me what I did to change it. It'll be an option somewhere in account management.

Also, if you don't play for a whole month, then they stop auto-renewing and refund the last month's money, but even so much as logging in to character selection once during that month period will prevent the refund. Logging into account management won't stop it happening, though.


I had some problems before and thats cos my bank had done some extra saftey crap. I needed to get "Verified by Visa". I did some search on my banks website and added "Verified by Visa".
Hope that this will help mate. There is something similar for Mastercard called "MasterCard SecureCode"


[Chris Crocker Impression] LEEEEEEAVVVVEEEEE GOMBOLLLLL ALLOOOOONNEEEEE! [/Chris Crocker impression]

If you pay for a month, they continue to take it out unless you tell them right? The only way to make it pay as you play is to order a month then immediately cancel the subscription.

It wasn't against me? It was against killer. =/


Well-Known Member
The WoW crowd are super inbred. People from outside asking things are only allowed to be met with hostility, as they are not distant cousin-mother-brother-uncles like the rest of us.