Subversion is the title of Introversion's next game. From the makers of Uplink, Darwinia and Defcon comes this:
And yes, I ask, "what the hell?"
In his blog post, Chris (the game creator genius at the head of Iv) has said a lot of things, most of which boils down to "we don't know what this game is about, or how it will be played really.. So don't take too much from these screenshots".
I honestly suggest you go read it. But for the lazy people here at THN, here is a lovely quote from his post:

And yes, I ask, "what the hell?"
In his blog post, Chris (the game creator genius at the head of Iv) has said a lot of things, most of which boils down to "we don't know what this game is about, or how it will be played really.. So don't take too much from these screenshots".
I honestly suggest you go read it. But for the lazy people here at THN, here is a lovely quote from his post:
Chris said:Our fourth game is going to be called Subversion.
Now I don’t mind admitting that I’m a little apprehensive about this developer diary. Part of me would love to openly discuss our next game with the world, to shout from the rooftops about this grand idea that has been waiting in line since Darwinia took its place in 2003. But another less reckless part of me knows that bad things can happen when developers disappoint gamers, and gamers need few excuses to feel disappointed. This comes directly from my bitter firsthand experience on both sides of the fence. Several games developers who are far more experienced than us have fallen into the trap of enthusiastically promising the world during production, and ending up with a mob of pitch-fork wielding hardcore outside their offices threatening to burn the building to the ground unless their demands are immediately satisfied. We wish to avoid this.
Yes there will be screenshots, and even short videos. However the timing of this blog is no coincidence – work is only just beginning, and hence everything is in pre-production. Even the term “pre-production” is misleading, implying as it does that we actually know what we will be producing and are preparing for it. The reality is that we are experimenting, and we think there is merit in publishing the results of our experiments as we go along.
What there will be none of are promises, of any kind. We are not going to tell you what features will be in the final game, nor will we be telling you how the final game will play. We ourselves do not yet know. In fact we will not even be telling you what we are aiming for, as our direct experience with Darwinia taught us how often those aims can change and how different the final game can be to its inspiration.
Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, some readers or journalists may be tempted to view these screenshots as some kind of visual indication of the final game. Some may even go so far as to infer suggested gameplay from said media. Worst of all, websites that should know better may decide to publish these images as the “first screenshots of Introversion’s new game”.
If you feel any of the above happening to you, please listen very carefully. You are mistaken.