Super-Slim Display



I want one. I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one!

Oh, I want one. Or four. Four would be nice too...


Junior Administrator
nice, but a few observations myself and a friend thought up,
The picture shows a CRAZIE ammount of reflection, which is a huge problem with monitors as it is, so thats a bad point.
Also, the surround on that thing is huge. One would be lovelly, but all you people wanting more than one, you'r looking at a couple of inches gap in between the two. Which is really less than ideal

Having said that, the whole chaining peripherals idea is nice, on the condition it is retro fitable to other monitors and cards and such like

I will watch with interest however as I'm lookin at buy a 24" once summer onies comes in, so we shall see!