Switching Profs


In Cryo Sleep
Switching my mining out for Blacksmithing, to go JC/BS :)

Anyone with any spare Vanilla or BC ore/bars they wish to donate, would be greatly appreciated! I'll chuck you some gold if its a sizeable load :p

Cheers, Korel.


I might have bars laying around from when I switched as well. Wont be much though.

I found it easier if you switch the profession of another char to mining to help out. Can be tedious but will save you money


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah my shaman has 450 mining, and im doing some mining on Korel before I switch, but it all helps :) Cheers matey


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah that website has made all my prof leveling a lot easier :)

Update: Hit 250 skill before I logged off. Only thorium to go now, in regards to Vanilla ore, which shouldnt be too much of a problem. Should be 450 in no time.