Tablet app reccommendations


Junior Administrator
So I recently obtained a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - running Android 3.1 (Honeycomb).

Now I didn't actually pay anything for it, but it's mine, and aside from an expensive e-book reader I'm not entirely sure what use(s) I have for it...

Anyone else out there with a tablet got some recommendations for certain apps that make it more useful, or some novel uses other than a posh ebook reader/video viewer?


Super Moderator
Staff member
well i'm hoping you posted that from it :p

i find i tend to use my tab for the mentioned things, as well as browsing the web in bed. there is an android IRC client too, however i have no idea how good that is on a tab rather than phone


Junior Administrator
I basically do everything I would do on a laptop on my iPad, actually finding it more convenient as well, unless I'm gaming I often now turn my PC off and just do stuff on my iPad. Have irc/skype/other IM as well as all my books comics. Do lots of video/streaming type things. I've used it as a vnc client, I've used it to make/do presentations. I've even actually done a very small amount of video editing on it. I even use it from time to time as a 3rd display as an IM screen.

I absolutely love mine. By far the most useful thing I've bought in a while, not sure how true for yours it will be but I've found from work that they are as useful as you make them. Almost certainly if you want to do it someone has made an app for it.


Well-Known Member
Hmm tough call.

For headaches I often find paracetomol to be the best.


For sudden period cramps Nurofen fast release are great!

But if you're feeling stingy or it's other muscle cramps, best get the slightly cheaper regular ones..

Oh and always take vitamin tablets, and as you get older cod live oil is recommended as well. Stops the joints seizing up.

Oh wait you said apps not tablets. Oh well I cba deleting my post.


Active Member
Angry Birds!
ezPDF Reader for your pdf reading and annotation (!) needs
Astro or Root explorer for file management
Drive Mount for managing external devices (my Iconia has full-size USB, so it's handy for flash drives or external HDDs)
Mobo player for all video playback stuff
Dropbox for dropbox
Springpad for notes, lists, sharing notes onto your desktop, annotating photos, recording audio notes, whatever.
Skype for skype, if you use it.
Locus Free for maps and navigation.
WordMate for dictionaries.
PowerAMP for music playback, or at least Winamp.
Quickoffice for reading/editing documents in most conventional formats.
Barcode Scanner.
Facebook for booking faces.

Those I use on regular basis are Springpad, some music player (PowerAMP is great, but paid :-/), the browser, ezPDF Reader.

Frankly all the books I'd read are in .pdf, so any stupid built-in readers are just bloatware for me.