Taking a break/Potentially leaving the game


In Cryo Sleep
A few people have heard me whine and bitch quite alot recently, either on teamspeak, in guild chat or in real life.

For those who dont know or havent realised ive been getting rather frustrated with this game, and to be blunt, the guild aswell over the past few months.

It has been a combination of alot of things that has been generally building up my annoyance over time. Broadly speaking its been to do with guild organisation, attitudes of certain members towards the game and towards other people and alot of other things.

in addition ive not been doing much with the game, i spend 90% of my time on WoW sitting in shattrath bored, barely get to raid as most times im giving my spot in kara to those who need it more and i dislike ZA.

A few people ive spoken to about this can't understand why i wanna leave. especially as one of the biggest annoyances i had was that i was trying to get this guild into gear with raiding over 2 months back now with sabot and back then it wasnt happening and we felt as if we were just being ignored, and now that its finally happening [even though its currently slow yet steady] im leaving.

this is simply because i cancelled my subscription before these changes were made, and i dont see a reason for me to renew it once it runs out [on the 14th i believe]. I know ive been given a position now to help improve it, and ive helped out the past week or two in several ways but id still rather stop.

To summersise why im leaving its basically because im no longer finding this game fun at all. im finding it simply stressful and irritating and im slowly getting into a worse and worse mood about it.

I may return to WoW it all depends i suppose. for me the game come down to 2 options, join a different raiding guild or leave the game. unfortunately the only guild that appealed to me was Zenith. and it is simply because it the onyl other raiding guild i know with people in it i enjoy playing with [i.e. sabot, blacker, veshi, huor]. but unfortunetly i know that alot of people im friends with dislike the guild for what ever reasons and me joining them would lead to alot of drama. Hence why ive decided to leave the game [well take a break atleast] as id rather take some time out, and come back to the game with a better attitude than leave for a guild that would effectively harm my friendship with some of my most repected friends in WoW.

I do hope that in my absence the guild doesnt fall to pieces :p and i wish you the best of luck in getting more raiding underway.


Staff member
Hi Zhinrak

If a game is not fun then don't do it, its not a second job albeit I appreciate that the social that goes with it can be an important reason to hang on even if the game is not that fun.

Go take a break, get things into perspective and if you do decide to come back then you will be welcome. Make sure you only come back if you can find some fun in it though.

In the meantime check out the other games that people are playing around here. The world keeps moving on even if WoW doesnt!



Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just seconding Haven's words, really.

You are, of course, welcome to take part in any other part of THN if that might interest you. We've got a fair following in EVE Online, and Steam are doing a 21 day trial so it'd not even have to cost you anything. It might be something of a surprise going from level 70 to EVE's equivalent of level 1 (in a way, EVE doesn't have levels) but maybe that'd be a good thing?

Or there's Call of Duty 4, Company of Heroes or whatever else you might find interesting as a way of winding down.

As always, your call. Certainly, playing any game past its fun threshold does seem to be pointless, to me, and a universally sensible reason for taking a break from it.


Well-Known Member
Been waiting for you to make this thread for a fair time now... surprised you waited as long as you did.

Anyhoo, I understand how you're feeling and at the very least you need a good long break like you said. You can still come and randomly annoy us on Teamspeak/IRL, cha? :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah, figured this was coming :(

Gonna miss you in the game mate, not least for the bags and DEing of random greens :P

I believe the problem here is that some people play WoW to relax and chat to friends, like a giant social network, and some, like you, Sabot, and I, play it mainly as a game - ie. get to the finish, try and get as much done as possible as fast as possible to get the most enjoyment out of it, whilst enjoying the social side along the way.

Whilst things arent as black and white as that all the time, it does still mean whilst some people are enjoying the game, others arent. I havent even been playing that long, and havent reached a month at 70, yet Im already at the point where things are being slowed down, not due to my abilities, but due to a lack of wanting to speed things up within the guild.

NO, this isnt an attack on the guild at all, its a community guild, and I accept that, and to some degree, I'd prefer that to a "mindless robots of pwnage" filled guild, but it is getting to the stage where Im contemplating taking the summer off the game until things sort themselves out and I can start really progressing again.

Hopefully today's officers meeting will get something really set in stone, as atm, no one seems to know where things are going in the long term. (once again, not an attack on anyone or the guild, just my personal opinion). Would be good if you could be there for that one, especially as its partly the reason we've lost you.

So, in conclusion - bring on the 80 cap! ;P


Well-Known Member
I thought I was the DE bitch, considering how many greens I receive in the mail daily... :p