Tales of Monkey Island


Junior Administrator
For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past month, the first episode of Tales of Monkey Island was released yesterday.

You can buy it on Steam, and if you buy the full pack of all 5 episodes (currently £24.99) you also get the first episode of the Wallace and Gromit series.

I have spent about an hour and a half playing the first episode, and I have to say that it feels exactly like Monkey Island. The control method is a little different, but once you are used to it it all makes sense :D

There are all the usual Monkey-Island style jokes too :D

Only two things so far that I've come up that are slightly annoying - if you played any of the Sam n Max games then you will instantly recognise the voice of one of the first characters you meet in-game as Harry the Moleman, and the other thing is that Elaine's voice has changed from having an american accent in the previous 2 games (at least I seem to remember it being American?) to being an entirely English accent. It's a little off-putting as it doesn't feel "right" but I'm sure I'll get used to it :)

Well worth a buy if you have ever enjoyed any Monkey Island games before :D

More smilies because this post is full of smileys:



Junior Administrator
Please tell me it's point n click.. otherwise.. do not want!

it is point and click, do not worry about that... but what is different is thus:

Clicking in the world to move somewhere will not move Guybrush if you do not click on a named item that is part of the environment (e.g. the broken rowboat that you end up on the island with - click that you go to the boat. Click on "nothing" and he will not move).

Instead of moving to where you clicked, you hold the left mouse button down and you get a spinny icon with an arrow appear in the middle of guybrush - with the mouse held down you then move the mouse and he will move in the direction of the spinny icon - it takes a bit of getting used to but does actually work well.

You can then hold the right mouse button down and he will run instead of walking too.


Staff member
Just finished this tonight. Must buy for fans of classic LucasArts adventures. Or fans of other Telltale games. Or people who like things that are funny.

Note to Telltale: FULL THROTTLE. And make sure Tim Schafer is involved...


Junior Administrator
I finished this last night too.

Coincidentally just as the credits started rolling Macca popped up on steam for a chat and said he'd played it but he "thought it was a bit short". hehe

but as only the first episode of 5, it's awesome. Very funny, and most definitely Monkey Island.


Yeah I must say I'm really glad that they have stuck to the "Monkey Islandness" of the previous games. As TB says I did think it was a bit short even as a first episode, however I'm not going to complain :D.

I'd recomend it to anyone who enjoys a good laugh with the odd puzzle chucked in :p. x

"I'm selling these fine leather jackets :D!"


Big D said:
How long would you say episodic games should be?
I don't know, maybe I'm just thinking that because it is infact being released in episodes. I suppose I'd have to agree with TB, It took me roughly 3 1/2 - 4 hours too, and it could well just be that it's because I can't play it all at once. I have no real complaints with the game.

I don't really play many adventure games, infact the monkey island series is the only adventure game i've played (I remember dabling with Grim fandango but not really getting into it). I suppose when you total it up, 5 episodes at 4 hours a peice isn't too bad. Maybe I'm just being a Monkey Island junkie and wanting it all at once.