Tuldur Disagrees. Truth is that is exactly the opposite way of how it should be. Shield Block should NEVER be disregarded although at end game stuff it does mean you take more damage than parry and and dodge, and thus is more difficult to get but if you find some good gear with lots of it on (For example the conquest legs) then you take them and you take them hard. After that Expertise is important once you have enough avoidance. When you have 60% combined avoidance, from block, dodge and parry, reaching the expertise cap is just as important as reaching the defence cap. We get a nice boost to it from the glyph of vengeance glyph and with the odd gem and the odd piece of gear it's easily attainable. Next theres parry. Which is the most important gem to stat for. Most of your gear will exclusively have dodge and the most important thing to do with dodge and parry right now is to try and keep them balanced due to the diminishing returns. You don't want to stop dodging half way into general vezax do you? Stamina is obviously important but gemming/gearing for avoidance is always more important as the stamina will come with the gear. My favourite gem is the +10 Parry Rating/ +15 Stamina gem, Use that one when everywhere you can.
This is slightly more correct. However, never think that the rotation part of paladin tanking is easy. It's easy to do, but to maximise your potential requires some effort. I have spoken to you about glyphs already so you should know that the glyph of consecration will help your rotation flow better. Basically, as long as you have that down and judgment active with five stacks of vengeance up you can usually sleep but making sure you make use of all your other ability which include holy wrath, hand of reckoning and exorcism. Exorsism followed by hand of Reckoning just as exorcism finished casting is the best way to pull now as the boss will get hit by both at once, giving you a good 5K damage on the boss plus the high threat from HoR. Dont be afraid to use exorcism in a fight either. Most bosses hit very slow and/or run away at some point. Use it then, either right after a hit or when he is away from you (A good example is ignis when crotch potting someone). When fighting undead holy wrath is your single best spell

Also I should remind you of wings, and to use that at the start of fights for increased threat if your having issues. Always remember sanctuary and your divine protection, which should be macroed to trinkets with on use abilites to increase health or what have you. And like people say bubble is great for removing tricky debuffs like impale from Gormak. A good macro is one that casts it then cancels it followed by you immediately using Hor. Never use this with melee on the boss if there is no offtank though.
Lawn speaks some truths. NEVER be afraid to keep pulling. You've healed me before so you know the drill. NEVER wait for the healer, they should always be ready to follow you now. When I use to be a healer and now that I am a tank I always say it's the healers job to be with the tank so unless the healer asks for a mana break go pull more. Sometimes it's good to pull to much and die to know your limits, just don't do it too much in one go.
Also, what Lawn says about cleansing is very important. No one can do it better than us so always have a cleanse yourself macro or just cleanse with auto self target on is a must. A good example of this is fusion punch on the assembly of Iron. Dont listen to him on gemming though, outdated theory.
I have SO much more to say, maybe I should write a novel? But cant be fucked typing it. I'll talk to you on TS Sometime.