Tanky question


Well-Known Member
On behalf of a friend at work... can anyone help with this one?

Uncrushability question.

As I understand you need 102.4% total avoidance to avoid crushing blows against level 73 target.

I got to the point yesterday where I had about 470 defense and got a +12 defense enchant, but rather than push me up to 480 defense, it appeared to max out at 476. Not sure why that is.

I’ve also got 61 resilience, but that should not affect crushability as far as I’m aware.

Any ideas what I might be missing?


Well-Known Member
So far as I know, there is no cap to defence. Arithidrimme's is currently hovering about 505, I think.

Resilience doesn't affect crushing blows, but it does affect your critability. Crushing blows are only pushed off the "table" of things that can happen with combined dodge/block/parry and chance to be missed.


you 100% need 490 defense for paladin/warrior uncrit, and you need 102.4% combined avoidence (With your class buff, so shield block for warriors holy shield for paladins) to be uncrush.

And lith, the defense "cap" is 500, after that you only gain 50% of the stats you would of gained.
NOTE i said "CAP" << Note """"""""""", there is no offical cap, but its wasted if you go above 490 on purpose (through gems or enchants)

For druids its completely diff, they need like 420 defense to be uncrit (Again esilience DONT effect it) if youve specced right, and you cant get uncrush as druid, so you just need to take the beating.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Gombol, Resilience DOES effect Crits. If you want you can have all your uncrittable from Resiliance instead of defence. So for Druids you could have a PVP specced tank. It actually works quiet well since you get a lot of Stamina on PVP items. But you will get less in terms of stats like Agi (great for dodge) and Str (for threat).


Meh, i was tolde once it dont effect it, my bad then :)


Well-Known Member
And lith, the defense "cap" is 500, after that you only gain 50% of the stats you would of gained.

NOTE i said "CAP" << Note """"""""""", there is no offical cap, but its wasted if you go above 490 on purpose (through gems or enchants)

So? You still gain effect past 500. It's not worth steering clear of the stat, since it gives you more leeway when changing gear, and it still gives you combine avoidance which helps add up to the 102.4 needed. Like many things (armour, for example), you require exponentially more to acquire noticeably increased effect.

For druids its completely diff, they need like 420 defense to be uncrit (Again esilience DONT effect it) if youve specced right, and you cant get uncrush as druid, so you just need to take the beating.

415 defence, I seem to recall. Resilience DOES affect it, and is actually a little more viable for Druid tanks than Warrior/Paladins. Also the way you build a Panzerkin, but that's another story :P
Also, Druids can be uncrushable, it just requires obscene amounts of agi/dodge. It's a bastard to get, but it is possible. Same as a Warrior/Paladin becoming Uncrushable before Holy Shield/Shield Block. Just generally it isn't that easily doable because self-nerfing is likely required to be able to get that much combined avoidance.


Never said you should avoid it, but once you hit 490 you shouldnt gem/enchant anymore defense..i mean, i have a defense/stam gem in my helm, but rest is parry and stam, and im at 501 defense.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say you should avoid it either. Like I said, you don't gear for it, but you don't avoid it either.


New Member
If your friend is on SSL then tell then to throw me a whisper for a chat.

If not then a visit to Tankspot should help.

Also your all missing the most important part of all this for warriors. Its 28.5% block + having shield block activated (75%), which gives the 103.5% block rating that is nessesary to avoid crushes.

Crush + Crit are 2 totally seperate types of attack. Please dont confuse them.

BTW - 490 defence only makes you uncrittable against a level 73 PVE target.


Well-Known Member
Are there any level 74 PvE targets in the game yet? Or is that something we'll only see come Wrath?

Also, how does it work in PvP? That's something I never looked up...

Oh, and as a small extra; Crushing Blows are being nerfed in Wrath so that only targets 4 or more levels above you will be able to inflict Crushing Blows. Raid bosses will still only count as 3 levels higher, so the only Crushes we'll encounter will be while we're still sub-80, and attack something 4 or more levels higher. Apparently they want to make raid encounters even more about tactics and less about specific stats and "magic numbers", and so changed Crushes to only be there to dissuade people from attacking things much higher level than them.


Well-Known Member
If your friend is on SSL then tell then to throw me a whisper for a chat.

If not then a visit to Tankspot should help.

Also your all missing the most important part of all this for warriors. Its 28.5% block + having shield block activated (75%), which gives the 103.5% block rating that is nessesary to avoid crushes.

Crush + Crit are 2 totally seperate types of attack. Please dont confuse them.

BTW - 490 defence only makes you uncrittable against a level 73 PVE target.

He's not on SSL, but I can always tell him to roll an alt here for a chat.

You said 28.5% block above - does that have to be block, or is it combined block, parry and dodge?


Also your all missing the most important part of all this for warriors. Its 28.5% block + having shield block activated (75%), which gives the 103.5% block rating that is nessesary to avoid crushes.

You dont need 103.5% block rating (With shield lock) for uncrush, its TOTAL avoidence, so block, parry and dodge.


Well-Known Member
Also, Druids can be uncrushable, it just requires obscene amounts of agi/dodge. It's a bastard to get, but it is possible.

Its not only a bastard to get, it nerfs too many of your other stats to be worth it. You just have to take it in the face and use you zomgwtf health as a buffer :P

But yes, it is 415 defence for bears, as they get Survival of the Fittest (talented) to reduce the amount they're crit by by 3%. Sounds much easier to get, but none of the tier leather has defence rating on it, so you end up enchanting and gemming for it, which is a bugger.

There's talk of defence rating being removed with WotLK. One factor pointing towards this is the afformentioned talent being changed to 6% crit reduction, which in current terms, would mean total crit immunity...