Team Fortress 2 bans & watch-list

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This isn't a thread for discussion, just for recording.

If your name appears on here, you've either been banned or spotted doing something suspicious and are now on our watch-list.

Want to be unbanned or taken off the watch-list? Start a thread in this forum explaining why you deserve to be let off.

Want to report cheating or suspicious behaviour? Post below, with a name, date, map and reason for reporting, plus preferably the reportee's steam id (status in the console).

Again, no discussion will be entertained in this thread and will be deleted without warning.

The lists...


  • Glass Comb [STEAM_0:1:3165377] - 2007-11-13, foul language, foul attitude, generally offensive, and he wasn't even on our server (on Facepunch Studios [Europe #01]), permanent ban by steam id on principle as we don't want/need that kind of player on our server
  • Soljax [STEAM_0:0:16659729] - 2007-11-18 (15:30), Exploiting by placing a turret under the floor in gravelpit near the spawn of the defending team. When asked about this he responded with "are you a faggot?".


  • Gavage - 2007-10-30, over-frequent sniper headshots on 2Fort, even from the hip, spotted by Big D, no steam id due to him leaving


Junior Administrator
Staff member
as long as it is just good snipering nothing. Although there are reports of a hack where you can snipe from anywhere and I mean even back in your own spawn point :D.


In Cryo Sleep
First person to be banned with a reason from our server.

Name:- Soljax
Steam:- STEAM_0:0:16659729
Reason:- Exploiting by placing a turret under the floor in gravelpit near the spawn of the defending team. When asked about this he responded with "are you a faggot?". Result = Ban
Details:- 15:30, 18/11/07, Green Server.


Active Member
I don't think the ban actually registered as the server crashed. I tried adding it manually, but it doesn't show in the ban config files. If it did work, then it was a perma ban, but I'd be more inclined to say that the ban didn't work, and I have no other clue of adding it manually.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I think something is being odd with the ban files as I noticed that the ban I put in manually isn't showing up either.