Teamspeak 3 and raiding: the love that definitely IS meant to be


Well-Known Member
For those who don't know yet, there is now a THN Teamspeak 3 server up and running; yeah, the client and server software is still in beta, but it's not really given any problems so far and (to me at least) seems to be a superior piece of software in almost every conceivable way.

For this Friday's raid, we'll be using Teamspeak 3 and not Teamspeak 2, and I'd prefer it if people could in general try and use the new one for instances, raids, or just hanging out and chatting like we often do.

You can get Teamspeak 3 from (make sure you get the client version, and don't get confused like I did when I was tired and dopey and accidentally download the server one >_> )

The server address is, password is THN

Unlike TS2, there isn't a registration process to go through, since it generates an ID based on the machine you're using (or something like that). Once you've logged on and chosen your username, you're set.

For any who've used Vent before, TS3 is basically very similar to it in terms of sound quality (ie, people sound more like they do in real life than on TS2), so get ready to be surprised by a few people's voices :p


Active Member
Yay! I already downloaded it yesterday before ICC, will install and try it out today! Quite curious about what's it like since you keep praising it :)


Well-Known Member
Yay! I already downloaded it yesterday before ICC, will install and try it out today! Quite curious about what's it like since you keep praising it :)

It's a heaping slab of awesome, to be honest :p

To me, it mixes the parts of Vent and TS2 that I like into one product. Some things still seem not entirely functional, but it IS still in beta. For example, I don't think that the phoenetic username function works yet (you can set a phoenetic pronunciation for your username that the client should say when you switch channel, for example "Umbrael joined channel"). It hasn't worked for me -yet-, but that could just be me, or it could be a not-fully-active feature, dunno.


Junior Administrator
Yay! I already downloaded it yesterday before ICC, will install and try it out today! Quite curious about what's it like since you keep praising it :)

It's very good - much more configurable and much better quality all round


New Member
Well, one point which I do not like about TS3 is: the constant errors i get :S
For some reason, it does not work as it should be working on my pc =(