Teamspeak global password


Staff member
Due to the insane spam there is now a global password on the teamspeak server. All channel passwords will be removed (WoW officers excepted).

Global password is THN


Junior Administrator
Can I just point out to some people that aren't that knowledgeable with TS, that if you have a user account to the server, IGNORE THIS PASSWORD. You login with your own account as normal. :)


In Cryo Sleep
On that note, what is wrong with the TF2 channel at the moment (this is more a poke to others if they can remember what the problem was in the first place!) Last time I remember it wasnt letting people talk (namely me and pingue when we were last on), so a TF2 temporary has been stuck under the L4D channel which people can talk in.

Less spam is good though :)


Junior Administrator
The TF2 channel probably has an M next to it, this means it is moderated and only people with voice rights can talk in there.

Find a server admin next time you are on and they can make sure you have auto-voice or in fact even Auto-Ops.....


Active Member
This also seems to be the case with the WoW channel. I have lost my auto voice rights and now can't talk :(


Junior Administrator
Most of the channels have had their Moderated status disabled now that the server is passworded. :) I think only a couple should have it (like passworded admin channels) now.


Active Member
Hmm, that's odd. Wasn't working last night when I first read this post but it is now! Never mind :)


Well-Known Member
That would be because I put the moderation back on.

Killing everyone's voice rights in the middle of a raid was not particularly welcome... next time, at least pop into the channel and explain what you're going to do, OK?


Active Member
OK now I'm a little confused. When the teamspeak global password was put in place, it removed everyone's voice rights? But with moderation on, does that not mean people need to be voiced to be able to talk? So if you put it back on...

Yeah I am very confused. Please someone help my little brain :(

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, I'm confused too.

I believe that adding a global password to TeamSpeak should have made absolutely no difference to anyone's voice rights.

Removing the password from the passworded channels might have, possibly, but that would also seem odd.

Removing moderation from a channel should, in theory, allow anyone (who can connect) to speak in that channel.

Thus, adding moderation back to a channel should, in theory, be the thing that prevents people speaking unless they have voice or auto-voice, or are an Op, CA or SA.

Am I missing something here...?


Junior Administrator
Hmm, I'm confused too.

I believe that adding a global password to TeamSpeak should have made absolutely no difference to anyone's voice rights.

Removing the password from the passworded channels might have, possibly, but that would also seem odd.

Removing moderation from a channel should, in theory, allow anyone (who can connect) to speak in that channel.

Thus, adding moderation back to a channel should, in theory, be the thing that prevents people speaking unless they have voice or auto-voice, or are an Op, CA or SA.

Am I missing something here...?

Someone (I believe it was Haven) removed the moderation from most of the channels, which in turn revoked everyone's voice rights, because they were no-longer needed.

Re-enabling it does require that people would need to be given V, AV, O, AO, CA or SA to speak again.


Staff member
There is no need for moderation on any channels save wow officers so this was removed, as pointed out this also resets auto-voice as its no longer needed. Now that there is a global password you do not need to protect individual channels is the rationale behind this. There is also no need for the password on the wow section so this was also removed.


There is no need for moderation on any channels save wow officers so this was removed, as pointed out this also resets auto-voice as its no longer needed. Now that there is a global password you do not need to protect individual channels is the rationale behind this. There is also no need for the password on the wow section so this was also removed.

Makes sense to me!