Teamspeak Server Global Password/How to register with Teamspeak.

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In Cryo Sleep
The Haven Net teamspeak server now has a global password. As seen in this thread the password to sign in with is...

...please sign in using this password from now on.

Registering with the server itself, will work in conjunction with this new password to provide you with hassle-free communications.

A full tutorial on how to register follows.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: World of Warcraft Teamspeak Channel Password.

Here is the guide (With pictures) on how to register with Teamspeak.

1. Get any Server Admin to grant you the ability to register, this will be met with the message you see at the very bottom of the message list;

X grants you the right to register with the server.

Then you follow the Self>Register with Server menu items at the top. Both these steps are highlighted on

2. When you do this you will be greeted with a registration window, this is pretty self explanitory. Enter a Username*, a password and confirm the password then click register. Once you click register follow the Connection> Connect menu steps to open up the connection window. This step can be seen here.

*This will not be the name that is displayed in channel but please make it appropriate to your Main WoW character or a name we know you by as it will help us identify you.

3. This step has three important points. First look at the screenshot.

First of all notice the green arrow at the bottom. The last message there
Registration was Succesful.
will be displayed after you clicked register in step 2. Secondly note the red circle, click this radio button. Finally the blue arrow. Enter the Username and Password you created in step 2 here. You can now log in as a registered member.

Now, while that is all you need to log in there are a couple more useful things you can do here which I will now explain. The Nickname field just above the red circle is what will be displayed in the channel. This can be changed at any time and will not affect your username. Feel free to have fun with it.

Also, just below the user-password field is an auto-reconnect button. I recomend having this selcted because that means that should you be disconnected for any reason you can keep playing and it will reconnect you as soon as possible.

Finally the default channel section at the bottom. If you enter
"World of Warcraft" in the default channel section and the password in the first post in the Channel password section you will automatically join the WoW channel when you click connect.

OK, you are now registered with Teamspeak. The post that follows contains additional measures you can employ against the spammers.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: World of Warcraft Teamspeak Channel Password/How to register with Teamspeak.

Here are a few other things you can do yourself to help beat the spammers.

1. Some of the spammers use what are called "Global Whispers" to spam you. This means they voice whisper everyone on the server and it's difficult to block these. The bext way is to turn them off as hardly any legitimate reasons to use this feature exist. To block this completely go to Settings>Sound Settings then click the other tab and click the "Block Whispers by default" button.

2. Another thing you can do which will render the spammers who connect and disconnect 5000 times a minute a useless. While still in the Sound Settings option from above go to Sound Notifications. Under the Joining and Leaving channels menu delete the sounds for player joined and player left. These can be renabled at any point by clicking on them and setting them back to the default. Also if you are a Server/Channel admin under the granting a revoking rights menu delete the sound for voice requested as there are spammers who spam that while we are in the anti-grief room.

Hope this helps everyone and hopefully the spammers will be athing of the past.
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