Teamspeak setup


New Member
If possible..Can an admin or person knowledgeable about teamspeak, Post up a sticky thread, that contains step by step instructions on joining the haven net channel.
On two occasions this week I have been asked about problems with setup.

Lets encourage the newbies, not confuse them. I remember my first attempt at joining. *Shudders*


- dam..just noticed there is an actual thread devoted to this..My bad

How about then a section for new members, giving information on X-fire, TS, and other useful guidelines. Maybe call it 'A guide to the Haven net'


Staff member
Hi Twisto

We are trying to use the FAQ as much as possible for these things - if something is missing from the FAQ then help us out by either pointing it out or helping to update it to make it clearer and more useful. Essentailly we want to be able to point people to the FAQ and have it answer their questions so that we can all spend more time gaming and less time problem solving. If its not doing its job then we need to improve it so please let us know where it needs improving.

Obviously the more we can purusuade you guys to chip in and make suggestions then the better our FAQ will become and the more gaming time we'll all get :)


Some channels are moderated, so You will have to be given Voice rights by one of The allmighty server admins indicated by the "SA" status beside them.

I don't know how many "SA" there are but if theres no one there to give you it you can always just move to another channel.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmm, there's no easy config file i can check. I know KC, T-Bone, Haven and myself have Server Admin status, perhaps BaRT also.

Channel Admins (CA) can give voice and auto-voice (requires reg), Operators can give voice. Server Admins can give CA status to people, but CA can't give CA to other people. If you need a few CA's for the BF2 channel just give me a yell.
By default only the creator of a channel has CA.

edit by DocBot: I'm SA too! :P
edit by DeZmond: Me too! :p