Teamspeak Sound Quality


Active Member
Hi, i have just noticed that since last weak the quality of the sound in teamspeak has dropped drastically(well, enough for me to tell) outside the lobby channel. Is this intentional?


Well-Known Member
Hi, i have just noticed that since last weak the quality of the sound in teamspeak has dropped drastically(well, enough for me to tell) outside the lobby channel. Is this intentional?

I bet it's Haven being sneaky and trying to get people together in the lobby again :p


Staff member
Innocent on this one guv'n :) Although its a fine idea I may implement in the future :P

It could be related to the issues folks were having that were fixed with a teamspeak server restart yesterday. Holler if the quality is still bad today.


Active Member
I dont know if its possible for a mass codec degredation, but it seems that the lobby is on a higher codec than the other channels, at first i thought it was my friends new pc, then i thought it was the codec, from what u said it is probably my friends new pc, that said, the codecs really are different.


Junior Administrator
To Clarify few channels have the 32bit codec whacked upto full bandwidth, the majority are in the middle (5.32) The lobby and a couple of others are on 7.57. The codecs are the same, there is just a limit on bandwidth (default) in the majority of other channels.

Bear in mind that when promethius gets taken offline in the next couple of weeks, that we will possibly have to cut codecs down to save on bandwidth for where ever the services are hosted (unless they're on Destiny?).


Active Member
I found some TS3 hosting for 0.83p/slot*60 (or 0.83p/slot*90 & 0.79p/slot*120 ) yesterday - My friend, i could barely understand him and at the time, 20p/month seemed worth it lol, though now it looks like it was his new pc.


Staff member
Codec quality was reduced on some channels due to it causing lag for folks on lower bandwidth connections. There's no issue with putting the quality up on specific channels.

We'll move it to destiny when promethius is retired so bandwidth will not be an issue.