[TECH] Looking for a program


New Member
I need a program that tells me, in a simple way (I'm a simple guy :p), what programs are using my bandwidth, and how much bandwidth those programs are using, maybe in a similar way to Windows Task Manager displays things under the 'Processes' tab.

Any suggestions? :)


Well-Known Member
Bandwidth is a term used to describe your internet line I believe. The processes tab shows how much CPU power each program is using. Which one do you mean?


Staff member
You'll want a software firewall. I have no useful advice for which, as I am of the belief they all suck equally.


Junior Administrator
Vista has a little program in it called Resource Monitor

It tells you what programs are using up your bandwidth on your machine, It won't tell you on the network.


I'm not sure if it comes with XP though.


Junior Administrator
Resource monitor is vista only unfortuantly.
I found a nice software firewall called sygate personal firewall. Havnt used it in a while but it was quite nice


In Cryo Sleep
i used to use sygate, but lost the installer :( - was a fantastic program :)

I now use comodo pro firewall - pretty good as it happens :)


ye im using comodo as well, seems pretty good as long as you turn off the active process monitor, which becomes quite intrusive and annoying. reminds me a lot of trend micros pc cillin but turn that part off and it works very well.
