[Tech] Slow Flash and Steam?


Well-Known Member
When I try to visit a website with flash on it, say the Quake Wars website the flash runs really slow almost as if my PC can't handle it. This can't be the case as it's only flash. I have no idea why this is!

The same goes for Steam. If I drag the Steam window around it goes very slowly jumping from one position to the other instead of moving slowly. Even if I drag around a normal window it chugs along ever so slightly.

I have the latest drivers for my video card. What could my problem be? :/

Rep up for grabs!


Staff member
Flash (and likely steam as it's windows based) will use the CPU for rendering power, not the graphics card. Running anything CPU intensive?


Well-Known Member
No, nothing horrible. All I'd have at once would be a media player, X-Fire, firefox and MSN. I'm running an Intel Celeron D 3.2GHz if that means anything to you.


Junior Administrator

Are the windows in question just moving around very slowly and rendering anything in them very slowly?

I had a similar-ish problem after updating my motherboard drivers a while back.

Except it was on everything, not just on Flash apps.

Do you find that you get any stuttering while playing cinematic videos? (another sympton of mine).

My problem was a missing GART driver (something to do with the graphics card) but I believe that they only apply to AGP boards and aren't needed on PCI-e boards (which is what you have, IIRC).


Look in Task Manager at the Process list, and sort by CPU usage. Anything chewing up lots of CPU that shouldn't be?


Well-Known Member

Are the windows in question just moving around very slowly and rendering anything in them very slowly?

I had a similar-ish problem after updating my motherboard drivers a while back.

Except it was on everything, not just on Flash apps.

Do you find that you get any stuttering while playing cinematic videos? (another sympton of mine).

My problem was a missing GART driver (something to do with the graphics card) but I believe that they only apply to AGP boards and aren't needed on PCI-e boards (which is what you have, IIRC).

They are rendering very slowly. I do get a stutter sometimes when watching videos. Not often, but I do.

I have an AGP and a PCI-E motherboard combined and am using an AGP card, so I shall go google that.

Look in Task Manager at the Process list, and sort by CPU usage. Anything chewing up lots of CPU that shouldn't be?

Well, the most CPU intensive thing there is FF @ 62,500 K.


In Cryo Sleep
The system idle process always uses 80-98, it throttles the CPU when there's nothing doing (or so I'm led to believe).

I get similar problems to you when my HDD needs defragged or something (like scrolling down my album list in WMP is jery and juttery at first) Are you sure there isn't a sheep chewing on your telephone line or something?


Junior Administrator
They are rendering very slowly. I do get a stutter sometimes when watching videos. Not often, but I do.

I have an AGP and a PCI-E motherboard combined and am using an AGP card, so I shall go google that.

Well, the most CPU intensive thing there is FF @ 62,500 K.

that does sound like that I had.

And as you are actually running off an AGP card I suggest finding out what your MoBo chipset is and finding the latest set of drivers. they should include the GART driver


Junior Administrator
it asys in teh spec - Via PT880 chipset.
Based on the fact that you have a celeron processor I can say that you have the Ultra version.

Go to what Via call the "Via Arena" (their tech support area) and download the VIA Hyperion Pro package, which seems to contain the latest drivers for your chipset. Get those installed and see if it helpz0rz.

PS that's the XP drivers page... (I assumed you are still on XP).


Well-Known Member
Hrm, I'm noticed a small increase in FPS and things seem to run faster. I've given out too much rep in the last 24 hours. Remind me!