Tech thingy

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, thanks kirby. THN Tech is down for the foreseeable future. Notice that the cross-site links on THN Games no longer includes a link to THN Tech... ;)

If you've got tech-related news, feel free to use The Chat Box here. :)


OH MY GOD (yes, "OH MY GOD" is needed, not even OMG will show the amazement) RONIN IS BACK! You ninja style man you! No word of you for months, as soon as a "problem" shows up, you're here in a flash!

Bring me something nice from your trip? :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm like an angel on your shoulder, watching for signs of trouble. ;)

Basically, I'm busy with other things but I'm always watching via RSS and if anything really urgent came up then I'm sure someone would PM/email me. :)


Staff member
erm ... yeah sure we would ... after we're run around screaming and hitting ourselves on the head of course :)

Yeah the front page is naff, yeah I'm busy/tired (either or both) and so it wont get sorted soon. Want to do a better job then let me know and I'll upload your effort if its any good.


In Cryo Sleep
what is the THN font thats used in the logo in the top corner can i ask?

might get very bored and try something that.... well has a stylesheet or something attached to the page, rather than just <ol><li>! :p


*vomits on Wol*

Sorry, but flash makes me vomit due to the great deal of cr*p that is made with it. It can be a very nice tool when used well, but most of the time, it isn't :(

And I'm not saying your site looks rubbish, I just mean in general :D

Good effort though!


In Cryo Sleep
lol. i do agree muchly that its annoying, spesh all the people who scab hacked copies and make..... well.... below par animations with it :p

i get bored, and most of that is just me playing with actionscript!


In Cryo Sleep
i love the way the title has "funny" in it ^o) hmm....

dont like it when they re-use the same exact bit of movie, where theyve just copy / pasted it. makes it look cheap

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Wol said:
what is the THN font thats used in the logo in the top corner can i ask?

Depends on which style you use to view THN Games...? Given you refer to a top corner, however, I'm guessing you're using a Blue2 style and then that would be Neuropol. I have the source file for that image in my personal gallery. I've recently done a ground-up reinstall so I'm not even sure I have the font to hand any longer...

Actually, I'm a dedicated horder of useful stuff so it appears I do have a backup. ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Yea. im using the blue2 one. I generally done like having to sit and read stuff with dark backgrounds, so go for the lighter theme.

updated link with nice font :)