Telic Event, Dec. 28 Discussion

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just FYI, Big D, the times for the event are just fine in GMT. vBulletin, being a competent forum, takes account of these things. :)

Nice one on getting all this setup. I think I'm going to have trouble making the 28th, unfortunately... :(

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
I'm getting back from my vacation on the 26th, count me in. Any time a few hours before that or many hours after that works for me.

Fuzzy Bunny

I can show up if you need me. If we end up with more than 6, I can sit out :)


In Cryo Sleep
I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like i'll be there. Damn lanparties. :)

Big_D, i think it's best if you just use webadmin to PW the server and change the title, player slots etc.


Staff member
Looks like everything is set, then. We've got some extra space yet, so don't be afraid to sign up if you haven't. :D


Staff member
I'll be there ... and no I'm not carrying the ammo for all you flamer wh0res !

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Good luck with the event tonight! I really can't make this one, but I'm up for another one another time.

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
Really really sorry I wasn't able to make it, real life did what it does best and got in the way. I'm willing to go for another event though.


Staff member
Aye, no problem, fuzzy was the only one who showed up in the first hour, and there was an issue with incredible lag, so nothing really went on...

Fuzzy Bunny

We almost beat Aqueduct on easy... almost...
Should we reschedule this for another time?


Staff member
Well, time isn't something I have a lot of after this week, so I doubt I'll be able to make it to many events.

Don't let that stop you though, you have the power to organize an event too :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
there was an issue with incredible lag

I'll chat to Haven and Pestcontrol and see if we can figure out what was happening there. Given the reports were both web site and game servers I'm suspecting that it's at ValueServer's end of business.


Staff member
It seemed to be a packet loss issue, as the server was pinging fine for the most part. It's happened a few times before, once or twice just before the server went down...


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
I'll chat to Haven and Pestcontrol and see if we can figure out what was happening there. Given the reports were both web site and game servers I'm suspecting that it's at ValueServer's end of business.

Whenever there is lag, i always check the server. 95% of the time it's fine, ValueServer themselves seem to be the main cause.