TF2 Custom Map Pack Night [rescheduled again]


Junior Administrator
A custom map pack night on one of our servers (TBC). Most likely based on the Fileplanet Map Pack #1, along with some custom maps we've played previously.

Of course, suggestions for maps would definitely be welcomed. Remember to indicate your availability!

Note: This event is open to all THN members - it's not restricted to TF2 clan members.

Hope to see you there!

Note: Rescheduled from original timeslot. Twice. :(


Junior Administrator
Re: TF2 Custom Map Pack Night [rescheduled]

Sorry folks, needed to reschedule the night, I haven't had any time to set up the server and also another arrangement came up at short notice. I've pencilled the event for two weeks, same time, same conditions. Remember to sign up again! :)


Junior Administrator
Re: TF2 Custom Map Pack Night [rescheduled]

Gah! Life decides to be difficult and forces another reschedule. Probably just as well as not many could make it on the 13th. Right, it's now set for the 27th, so that's an extra 2 weeks notice.

To quote the sniper: "Let's have a go at it!" :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
i turned up a good way in and had a blast
Dez, Kc and I were on a pub killing some stuff. Kinda made me realise how much i like TF2 so if anyone is up for a game then give me a shout :)