TF2 server laaaaaaaag

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Probably something to do with it being many versions out of date. It's updating now. Try again in 30 minutes or so.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Update: TF2 Server Lag

Gombol, Wol and I checked on the TF2 server today.
As Wol described it: lagalicious
I have been watching the client console. But nothing odd pops up over here.
So wondering if an admin can take a look at it.

Quote.Heavy: MANY THANKS!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Update: TF2 Server Lag

Server needed another update. Seems they're releasing updates weekly but I'm updating monthly at best. Lag likely due to older server version. Try again?


Re: Update: TF2 Server Lag

My bad, I should be updating it and this last week has been busy to say the least. Will try harder to keep the server up to date from now on.


Staff member
Re: Update: TF2 Server Lag

We can soon cron something up so you don't need to bother manually updating. If you want me to take a look and get that sorted each morning at a specific time then I don't mind ?


Re: Update: TF2 Server Lag

That would probably be awesome. I was thinking more of a script that would check to see if anyone was currently on the server, and if not, quit it, run the update tool and then restart it, on or around 4-5am GMT (which is when I assume that very few people would likely be on it as it's a GMT-ish server).


Super Moderator
Staff member
Not sure if you have already tried this, but. Worth a shot.
A recommendation to make things easier would be the HLDS update tool.
Linux version from Steam can be found here.

Linux command line parameter:

    -command update 
    -game tf 
    -dir <Steam DIR, surround with quotes if spaces are in it>

This SHOULD enable auto updates for the server.

If the update parameter doesn't work. Hmmm.. Try: -autoupdate
It should work with one of those two lines

Edit: Didn't see your last post until jsut now, El D. Hmm.. That script should be possible. Will look into it and see what pops up.


Yeah, we already use that tool, I believe. If it's got autoupdate then that just needs enabling, I guess. Not at PC today so will do it tomorrow

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Auto-update doesn't (/hasn't to date) work for our servers, probably because we configure stuff in more than the utterly basic way that Value allows for on Linux. Hence the manual updates.

We've got scripts for doing the update, but we need to shutdown the server and fire them manually currently. Just takes one of us doing it.