Tf2 Sprays


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Some nice Tf2 sprays here.

Decoy Sniper could be fun to use for KC :D

I might use this one when i take out an engineer setup :D



Junior Administrator
They're "Illegal" in all Ladders / Tournaments FYI

there was a rather large chunk of dont use character sprays for the TF2 event at i32


Junior Administrator
I love spies... or more precisely, setting spies on fire. :) Invisible people do not produce invisible flames... :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
nah sentries are ok now, its bloody spies i hate

Ahh i remember getting you and Trax

Trax: "Bob that medic isn't me" "AHHHHHH!!!!" "Get him away from me Bob!"

*Fury Stabs Trax in the back and then bursts into laughter as Bob mows him down with his mini gun *


Junior Administrator
Ahh i remember getting you and Trax

Trax: "Bob that medic isn't me" "AHHHHHH!!!!" "Get him away from me Bob!"

*Fury Stabs Trax in the back and then bursts into laughter as Bob mows him down with his mini gun *

here's the prob that bob doesn't pay attention to what is going on around him at all. its a tricky one, thats why I'm so easy to stab.