thatbloke and thatbird going away for a bit...


Junior Administrator
Put simply... we are moving out of where we are currently living tomorrow and moving into our own flat...

We haven't yet sorted out a net connection, and i'm not sure how long it will be until we are connected either... but i'm sure we will be around every now and then until we get our own net connection up and running...


In Cryo Sleep
Hey, super duper. Best of luck with the move and all that, remember to check for damp or mouldy patches behind the skirting boards :) Only kidding. See you soon dude/dudette.


Staff member
Ok, hopefully we'll see you back online soon.

Remember the order of things when moving into a new place:

If you set things up in any other order of preference you've obviously got skewed priorities :)


Junior Administrator
I might miss out the kettle Haven, as neither myself or the missus drink coffee or tea or anything like that much... but the stereo then the computer then the bed sounds aboot right... :)


haven said:
[...]Remember the order of things when moving into a new place:

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Kettle - who needs coffee (or the horrid tea stuff some of you drink)?! You can buy cold, pre-caffinated drinks in cans now! Nice and cold so you can drink it straight away and not have to wait for it to cool down!
Stereo - Should go after the computer, as the computer should plug into the stereo, for the best gaming experience!
Computer - Should be first on the list!
Bed - Bed?! BED?! Sleep at the desk! Or, don't sleep! More game time O.O

Remember, if your eye's aren't bleeding, it's too soon to stop playing games! And if they are bleeding, it's still up in the air if you should stop or not!


thatbloke said:
I might miss out the kettle Haven, as neither myself or the missus drink coffee or tea or anything like that much...

:O Don't let Twisto hear you say that, he's addicted to "Brew" :p. Anyway hope the move goes well and your sorted soon :).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yeah good luck Thatbloke and Thatbird. They do say that moving house is one of the most stressful things to do :)

Have Fun!


Junior Administrator
heh. I think are going to be getting a new customer too. It seems to be the cheapest (and incidentally, the FASTEST) service available to me. And is also unmetered too. Unlike the sh*tty BT services that are being offered that also tie you into a minimum length contract as well as being metered. 6GB a MONTH? FUCK RIGHT OFF! I downloaded 1.5GB of stuff (two demos) this morning ALONE...


Junior Administrator
ah so it would have been you eldiablo that told vibs about it, that being what we're getting next yr.

also errrrr u should realise that coffee is in fact entirely neccesary to normal human function. tea i agree is hot snot in a mug, but coffee is always good.
however u don't need a kettle u need a coffee machine, set it up the night before wake up in the morning press the button have a shower get back and there u have life in a cup all ready for you.


Yep, was I who told Vibro! So enjoy! And coffee is lovely, but you don't need it like you need the computer :)


In Cryo Sleep
waterproofbob said:
tea i agree is hot snot in a mug, but coffee is always good.

You take that back! Tea is the foundation of peaceful civilisation! A drink for the morning, a drink for socialising, a drink just before you pop off to bed! If Weetabix is the fuel of great Britain, then tea is most certainly the motor oil.


In Cryo Sleep
Praise this scotsamn, I love tea and Weetabix!

Good luck with the move, hope it turns out well.