Thatbloke's night out...


Junior Administrator
Right so I work in a pub here in Southampton and we have been doing really well lately... so the big big bosses have awarded us a bonus to spend on a night out for the staff.

So tonight is the night we are going out and just to brag:

we have £1400 to spend between 12 (thats TWELVE) of us :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D so don't be surprised if i'm a little worse for wear tomorrow :D


Junior Administrator
That is the definition of gloating. :p

Having said that, the pharmaceutical companies are going to make a bundle out of you 12 come the next day, so I don't envy you when that time arrives... :D


In Cryo Sleep
i think we shud all be happy for him, as he has earned tge money he should spend it( even if it is a bonus)


Staff member
well, have fun :)

(and then you'll know how I feel on saturday mornings)


In Cryo Sleep
thatbloke said:
we have £1400 to spend between 12 (thats TWELVE) of us

Well, right here in this ole hand of mine Ive got 270 quid, and thats being split between... one of me. So thats ... more than double what you'll have on your night out. You poor, poor man... :)

I like to outdo people.


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
Well, right here in this ole hand of mine Ive got 270 quid, and thats being split between... one of me. So thats ... more than double what you'll have on your night out. You poor, poor man... :)

I like to outdo people.

If you can manage to spend £270 ON YOURSELF in one night out then go for it! But make sure you write me into your Will... :D


In Cryo Sleep
thatbird said:
If you can manage to spend £270 ON YOURSELF in one night out then go for it! But make sure you write me into your Will... :D

I like that. A double-edged statement, how effective. Who knows? You might just manage to find yourself on my will for showing that kind of wittery.


In Cryo Sleep
i would like to say that i am smart and witty but i am so un smart that im gonna have to tell u it was thatbloke who posted that on my computer.... booo hisssss


Junior Administrator
thatbird said:
i would like to say that i am smart and witty but i am so un smart that im gonna have to tell u it was thatbloke who posted that on my computer.... booo hisssss


anyway... I will probably post a humiliating pic or 2 tomorrow


Junior Administrator
ok so just to humour you all i'm going to show u a pic of what I looked like when i walked in the door after my night out...


Anyone else here thinking "Got your number!" ???


In Cryo Sleep

That dragon shirt you're wearing looks veeeeery similar to mine, except that my dragon covers the whole front of the shirt 8)


In Cryo Sleep
what u cant see is the large y fronts he has on over his trousers with his shirt tuked in that are styled in a fetching black and white animal print with phunky pants wrtien on them