That's it..


Well-Known Member
I'm hearby boycotting everything Microsoft, apart from the windows OS. I need an alternative to everything that you would use on an every day basis. That means an alt. to windows explorer, everything. Can you post your suggestions here please?


Junior Administrator
Nanor said:
I'm hearby boycotting everything Microsoft, apart from the windows OS. I need an alternative to everything that you would use on an every day basis. That means an alt. to windows explorer, everything. Can you post your suggestions here please?

get Linux ;)


Yes Nanor, go for Linux (or if you're rich go over to OSX, not that you'd be able to play games, or use your current pc but hey!) with Linux, I think you'll find the more heroic members of THN who live in server rooms "cough" Haven "cough" will probably be able to sort you out!.

Also THN tech goes live in the new year! woot!


Well-Known Member
Nanor said:
I'm hearby boycotting everything Microsoft, apart from the windows OS. I need an alternative to everything that you would use on an every day basis. That means an alt. to windows explorer, everything. Can you post your suggestions here please?

I don't care if my message is too short. Post it anyway..


Well-Known Member
OpenGL I don't need because DirectX seems to get good press. Anyone know an alternative to Windows Explorer?


By window's explorer you just mean the system of filing documents right (as in my documents etc) that's standard on any OS. And to get rid of it, you'll have to get rid of windows!


In Cryo Sleep
I use total commander its works the same way as the old norton for dos dunno if that means anything to you. You basicly have two windows that you use to copy, delete etc between. it got ftp and network and handles packed files like a dream etc all in one program. And there is a shitload of plugins that will make it do anyting you want it too

Its the single program that i use most. Just love that little sucker


In Cryo Sleep
an alternative to windows explorer is firefox, i use it and its very fast but my pc is still ill so i have to wait until this guy cones to fix the bloody thing damn u windows!


Nanor one question, are you serious about this?
and are you a, trying to replace window's programs?
or b, trying to switch operating systems?


So, you're trying to replace everything thats pretty much vital in the windows OS... Why dont you just replace the OS itself?

Slackware, Fedora and Ubuntu are all good "ready-to-go" OS's based on Linux.. Give it a go! Easy, fast, free!


Staff member
Before going to all trouble of changing to an OS that you know nothing about (linux) and potentially hating it more than windows you should try a live DVD from either ubuntu, gentoo or knoppix (knoppix is prefered for live CD/DVD's). This lets you boot from CD whilst leaving your existing windows installation intact so you can have a look at linux without having to install it first.

But, that asside from the original post it looks like he wants to replace everything apart from the OS ...

The only things I have to add are a my own preferences for media players under windows - foobar2000 for audio and VLC for anything video related.


Well-Known Member
Problems seem to have been fixed, I think. I'm pretty sure one of the leads leading to my HDD where causing all the resets.

It seems fixed now, all I have to worry about is paint performing and illegal opperation.