The 5 most badass soldiers


Junior Administrator
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Hoy, :)

And why are there only famous allied soldiers?

Erm... the very first one, Simo Hayha? Finnish guy who fought against the Russians in the Winter War? Not an ally. Finland was on Germany's side. (Or rather, Germany was on Finland's side, as AFAIK, the Finns couldn't give a crap about the war, once they managed to kick the Russians out...)



Well-Known Member
Hoy, :)

Erm... the very first one, Simo Hayha? Finnish guy who fought against the Russians in the Winter War? Not an ally. Finland was on Germany's side. (Or rather, Germany was on Finland's side, as AFAIK, the Finns couldn't give a crap about the war, once they managed to kick the Russians out...)


But we also know that the russians are not quite famous for their treatment of the countries they passed through on their way to germany ;), but still you're right, I didn't think about that.


In Cryo Sleep
[box=Awesome Box] Dedicated to these awesome people! Truly hilarious some of these are [/box]

Sorry, just wanted to use this once :D.


In Cryo Sleep
There was Micheal Wittmann, regarded as the best tank commander that ever lived, him and his tiger E. Youll probably find that when the Nazi empire was defeated alot of the propoganda that surrounds their war heroes was destroyed, or deliberately forgotten. The nazis were very good at their propoganda and no doubt there were just as many german supermen as there were any other country.

Note: also this guy, although i suppose hes more of a career badass than a endurance and feat of wonder badass


Well-Known Member