The Abolition of Parliament Bill.


In Cryo Sleep
Even as jaded as I am I was shocked by this. Last Thursday a bill was proposed that will offer ministers powers on an unprecedented level. In essence it expends the power to alter any law passed by Parliament. The 'safeguards' on the bill prevent the creation of new crimes, only if the penalty for said crime exceeds two years in prison, and increased taxation. All the ministers must do is propose a new order, or change to one existing, wait a few weeks and the law is changed.

Not only laws apparently but it also changes to the existing government model. The bill also applies to itself, so in essence forget those petty limitations mentioned above.

With all the attention on the smoking, identity cards etc. this bill appears to be sneaking through unopposed.

For further details:,,6-2049791,00.html

If this is unopposed then how far off can the post of dictator for life truly be? 1984, only if we are lucky……..


Ronin Storm

Staff member
What can I do to stop this abhorent bill? I'm serious, if anyone has any suggestions on something I can do, now, that will help to stop this then I'm starting right away. This must not be allowed to pass.

Fuzzy Bunny

How well to petitions work over in the U.K.? That's one of the first things I can think of. Another way you could try is to contact whomever it is that represents your area (province, state, district?) in Parliament and get them to vote against it or whatever needs to be done to stop it. I'm not familiar with how the U.K.'s government is set up other than it has a two house Parliament and a Prime Minister. If Parliament is like the U.S.'s House of Representatives and Senate, they would be able to keep it from passing.

Another thought is to spread the word about this bill. The more people that know about it, the more people there will be to oppose it.


In Cryo Sleep
well my local MP, who happens to be my neibour is part fo the Labour party, so im not sure if he will care :eek:


Junior Administrator
Viva le Revolution!!!

No seriously, though, I agree totally. My politics are not a thing I keep silent (you've heard me rant in here often enough) and I'm very outspoken against things like this.

Realistically, what you can do is start kicking up a fuss. Tell anyone you think might be interested in this kind of thing about it. Tell them the full implications of such a bill, and get them fired up about it. Then get them to spread the word.

A petition is a good plan as well, though I'd bypass local government and get it into central government where it will be noticed, while at the same time applying pressure to your local MP to act in the best wishes of the constituency and oppose the bill.

Fuzzy Bunny

And should all else fail, there's always emigration :)


In Cryo Sleep
I think there's a program on Channel 4 at 8pm tonight,which I think covers this amoung other things. Might be worth checking out.