The American Dream [Animated]


Junior Administrator
Staff member
must admit don't know how much is true/untrue.... but it seems to have enough in it to make it intriguing :)


Active Member
Meh, it's a bit too one-sided to my liking, tad too obvious propaganda. Given, I don't know that much about macroeconomy, but I am fairly sure things are not this black and white. As such, I liked the animation and style, but would have enjoyed it much more if they were used to present the reality in a more factographical and objective fashion.


Junior Administrator
They all say Federal Reserve Bank notes ;) And the Federal Reserve is not owned by the US Government, that much is true, the rest of it, may or may not be true, but some 'evil empire' of people who just love money that much do own the US monetary system :)

Similar thing over here in the UK, a private bank with secret shareholders own the Bank of England.