The Community Funs Sticky


Well-Known Member
So yeah... we have (and have in the past had) various and many stickies for general guild rules, important informant information, raiding rules, raiding achievements, and all manner of other gubbins... but not one easily-accessible thread to act as a crazy list of all manner of humourous and/or community links of a guild-related nature that have occurred down the years and strengthened us as the wonderful family of nutters we are.

I'm talking links to other threads on this forum, youtube links, random sillyness across the net. I'm talking Ting's "Haven does LOTR", I'm talking the video about the Woogle-hat that was made IRL, I'm talking the "Bexxor Fansite" that was made. I'm talking ANYTHING you think has any kind of tie to our guild that deserves to have an easy-to-find link preserved in a sticky for posterity, either for convenience, or to prevent it being lost to the mists of time!

If you find any old links or get good new ones that you reckon should be here, shout them out! Might even try to update this first post with them if it really takes off.

For starters:

Haven does Lord of the Rings (Part 1)

Haven does Lord of the Rings (Part 2)

Haven does Lord of the Rings (Part 3)

Haven does Lord of the Rings (Part 4)

The Haven Videos thread

The original "Bradley for Officer!" campaign

If you can think of stuff worth shouting out here, then... well, shout it out, duh!