<The Dark Lady>, a polite warning.

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Active Member
This "guild" (if you can use a loose collection of retards and griefers a guild) is making quite a ruckus on our server, as can be seen in this *edit; By now deleted* thread: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=7840394849&sid=1

In another thread on the SSL RP-forum they get mentioned too; http://wearelegion.forumakers.com/latest-from-ssl-f6/the-dark-lady-warning-t805.htm

As you can read from these threads, they seem to have taken upon themselves the mission to grief, harrass and even threathen players on SSL, making fun of "sad RP people" and the like, destroying the playing enjoyment of a good number of people.

Now I am not someone to tell you who to play or pug with, but as an officer in this guild I will frown upon those that think they can associate with these "people" as they are clearly violating the Blizzard policies and <The Haven>'s own code of conduct.

So when you're pugging and run into these folks, ask yourself this; Do you want the <The Haven> guildtag associated with this bunch of griefers? Do you want your own name to be associated with people who have made it their mission to spoil the fun for others in this game? And if you answer both questions with even a hesitant "yes", is <The Haven> the guild for you?

That is all.


I agree with Ashya here. Stay clear from these people.
My own run ins with them have been breif, but even from that I've gotten to understand that they're nothing but a tragic bunch with very little to do. And my encounters with them so far have been what can be referred to as "Random Insults." Aimed towards my shaman Tellna when I've been going back and fourth between the mailbox and AH in Undercity.

So my thoughts on them: Stay the hell away from these retards.


Active Member
The WoW Official Forums thread has now been deleted while I was reading it.

However, this calls for some action - being the same faction there's not much I can do, but under no circumstances will I react to those people and if you keep me updated about some larger-scale events I'll make sure to join. Also, it's worrying that GMs don't react to that. I mean seriously, threats? And real life threats at that? Come on...


Well-Known Member
I normally refrain from saying things like this, but... to say the least, I will be supremely unimpressed if I find any guildies buddying up with members of that collective of detritus.


New Member
If they threaten me personally I will automatically report them under their terms of conditions about abusive and threatening language and/or acts. Other than that I will henceforth refrain from even paying attention to them and definatly wont join a party with them there.


In Cryo Sleep
Jesus Fucking Christ... And GMs won't do anything about it? That is PATHETIC, I lack words do describe how I just feel... Makes me boild inside, that nothing besides ignoring and avoiding this retards can be made... I'd rather spill some blood.:mad:


New Member
Jesus I'v been playing for two years and i still can't get Vonya to NOT party with me. i need to have a word with these guys xD

Try rolling healer spec, then I can't really join can I xD

Rogue Bandage Spec, ofc


In Cryo Sleep
Wow, I'm usually a peaceful person; but to be fair, I'd have no qualms about breaking fingers and faces against this. I mean, it's a game, these guys need social directors, failing that, I demand the re-introduction of capital punishment for especially STUPID people.
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