The Device Has Been Modified


Staff member
Yeah, it's still awesome :) (also, the vid from my post is the complete one, and I think in higher res?)

Who's the queen? I'm the queen! ;)

edit: I didn't check, the video is actually _in_ my post. Go check it out :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, you could merge the thread. Mine offers the (legal) download for the track as MP3, sans video of course.


In Cryo Sleep
maybe the first time, but when you hear it ringing again and again and again, and you only get the first 5 seconds of it, and not the whole thing.

songs shouldnt be ringtones
songs are designed to be listened to in full
ringtones are designed to have the first... 5 or so seconds listened to!

v cool though :p


I don't know how I missed this the first time, but I love it!


Well-Known Member
I must say this is one of the coolest songs made from games! (And one of the coolest electric songs in general)! Thanks for the links to the video aswell as the download link.