The end of a long and weary road.


New Member
Well the title says it all.
The haven well.. Dosent seem for me. I love a lot of people here and have met a fantastic group of guys/gal's and I enjoyed every minute of it. However all good things must come to an end.

After having a good long chat with Zooggy we sort of both came to the conclusion I am not a good fit for the community and I myself know this. There seems to have been quite a few people that have "voiced" their opinions about me in certain way's so maybe its for the best..

Im going to keep my character's in the guild for about another week or so to go Guild hunting once again

Many of you will be glad to see the back of me maybe some might want to have a chat from time to time so dont hesitate to hit me up


New Member
I will do I'm mainly taking my main(s) out but I will always lend if needed so dont hesitate


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

As I said during our chat, I for one am sorry to see how things turn out. But, there were a lot of hurt feelings floating around, and bitterness was starting to rear its ugly head, so I do agree with you that it's for the best.

I told you once, long ago, that although there were no promises on the table, if you invested in the guild, the guild would invest in you. I'm glad to see that you did, and I'm glad to see that we did as well. Alas, some times, investments just don't pan out the way we want them to... :(

In any case, I'm keeping you on my Friends lists and hope to still play with you from time to time. And if you stay in touch, there may come a time when we and you will both feel it's a good time to give each other another try!

In the meantime, though I am not that well-known in the Scarshiled Legion community at large, one would think that being the guild leader in The Haven would lend my word some credence and clout. Thus, feel free to use me for references anywhere.

And like Huung said, you should stick around. :) THN is a lot more than the Haven WoW guild, as I'm sure you know by now! :cool:



Super Moderator
Staff member
Even though temporarely off-duty withiin the guild, I feel that something should be said here.
Und that is that I wish you the very best of luck in whichever guild your main(s) end up in, Belf. No matter what, you are still a part of this community und I am glad for having met you. Should you someday return fully to The Haven guild as well, then I will salute you.
In any case, stay strong. Oh..und feel free to gank a few Gnomes along the way! I always keep tripping over those little buggers! :D


Staff member
One of the most mature responses to criticism I've seen in a long time, me-thinks cookies for you mister. Remember TheHaven is only a part of TheHavenNet. Still plenty of non-WoW things to get involved in around here.




New Member
I agree with you Belf, The Haven guild isn't the guild for you (yet). Don't get me wrong I like you, like I like all the kids at the scouting group.
But here in The Haven I like people as adults and friends. Sounds unfriendly I know...

Anyway, you'll grow up. Everyone does and I even dare to say you'll grow up just fine. In a few years you'll join again as an adult. And then you'll see The Haven with other eyes and The Haven will see you with other eyes.

In the end things will turn out just fine :)


New Member
Well cheers for the responses guy's I do however know that the Haven isnt the only part of THN and maybe come christmas when me get's some money i'll be able to hardcore fail at pc FPS :P


New Member
Indeed, a mature and honest response. I'll freely admit, Belfer, you've annoyed the hell out of me at times but somewhere underneath the bluster and the pestering I think there is a good kid who means well.
I honestly hope you find somewhere to fit in for now where you can still enjoy WoW and, once you've matured a bit, I have a feeling you'll be back.

Take some time to understand and think positively about what has been said to you and how you can change for the better - providing you want to, of course!

Take care and enjoy your continuing adventures in both Azeroth and your real life. :)

ps: It's not really the end of the road, just a fork that takes us in different directions. They may merge again somewhere further along.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Indeed, a mature and honest response. I'll freely admit, Belfer, you've annoyed the hell out of me at times but somewhere underneath the bluster and the pestering I think there is a good kid who means well.

Basically this. There's no better way that I can sum how I feel about this up.

I too feel that once you've matured, you'll be a welcome fit within the community, and I don't mean that in a 'grow up' sort of way, I mean it in that you've got the makings to become quite a fine young man from the looks of it.

I also want to apologise if at any point I've made you feel unwelcome. At one point, I had really lost faith in you, and so may have made you feel so, unawares. Thankfully, other members of the guild, and indeed your original post today have made me realise there's more than meets the eye.

So keep me on your friends list, and if you need anything, give me a shout, yus? :)

Take care, and play hard (BLAM) :P


Active Member
Belfer, I was told this farewell-thread should be free of negativity and suchlike, so here goes;



Well, Belfer is...

He will be...

Uhm... aaah... okay, I got nothing...


Just kidding, Belfah, my boy. You'll be fine, grow up, and the maturity that is deep inside you will some day shine out and make you laugh about all this. Probably while you are sniping people from a church tower, and the SWAT-teams are closing in on you. Anyway, good luck in your future endeavours.

Love, always,
