The Friend Request thing


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

So, ever since I first came here, I've been sort of dismissing the "Friend Request" thing that pops up in my Notifications area every once in a while...

I've done this because I never really understood the point of singling out one person out of a fairly tight-knit community to be my "friend", when I pretty much consider everyone on here as a friend, anyway.

However, the fact is that, every now and again, someone important to me sends me one of these friend requests...

It feels weird to click 'No', because it's like I'm saying "I don't want to be your friend". It feel weird to click 'Yes', because it's like I'm saying "you're my special friend and all those other dudes were meaningless".

Hmmm... I had a point in there, somewhere... :D

Anyway, I'm sure many of you do use this feature, so I guess this is me asking what you use it for...?



Staff member
I use it for favoritism :)

Nah its just a group within group tool, some folks like that and some find it divisive. Personally I dont see it as anything other than a "awwww you're my friend" nicety.

Ronin Storm

Staff member

Even within larger groups, smaller groups form. Seems to be the natural way of things and thus perfectly fair enough. I kind of think of the Friends feature here to be that second layer of "people I really like" as opposed to being exclusionary. That said, I also don't pay too much attention to it. I largely just accept Friend requests because there's no ancillary meaning to them (i.e. no permissions granted, no special viewing privileges, etc).

I think that if we used the Blog or Project features of vB4 (note: we're on vB3.8 and not likely to upgrade any time soon) then they might be more meaningful. For now, ignore or use as you wish, though I'd suggest that using the feature might be more in vogue with the mainstream here.