The Great Grand Sig-Off Finale!

What is the spangliest sig?

  • Total voters


In Cryo Sleep
Ok, so Vibs' post reminded me that the sig-off has been going for far too long - it's time to decide who the winner is! I'll list all the entries down below here, I'll try and cut down on Trax and maccas entries because, apart from having more entries than everyone else put together, it spams up the thread a lot.


Docbot 1 - Eye

Docbot 2 - THN

Docbot 3- Tbone

[size=+2]MACCA -[/size]

Macca 1 - Lightnin' Dude

Macca 2 - Zombie

Macca 3 - Supremacy and Deceit

[size=+2]BIG_D -[/size]

BiG_D 1 - banner

[size=+2]TBONE -[/size]

T-Bone 1 - Order of the Stick

[size=+2]TRAXATA -[/size]

Traxata 1 - WaterProofBobsicle

Traxata 2 - Traxata Sig

Traxata 3 - Traxata

[size=+2]TETSUO SHIMA -[/size]

Tetsuo_Shima 1 - Team AG Systems

Tetsuo_Shima 2 - Team Feisar

[size=+2]RONIN STORM -[/size]

Ronin_Storm 1 - Loki

Ronin_Storm 2 - Rojaws

Ronin Storm 3 - Ronin Storm

Oh yes:


1. Only allowed [size=+1]2 votes[/size] so that it doesn't become too complicated. You aren't allowed to vote for 2 sigs from the same person, either.

2. Vote as you please, but I ask you not to vote for the uberest coolest looking design alone, partly because Macca would win it out the park :p, partly because some of the others have virtues as well, for example DocBot and Ronin's conceptual designs, and Tbones humourous design.

3. The standalone sig with the highest votes wins, the member who made the sig will recieve a fabulous prize consisting of - full use of Haven's body for 1 month. If haven objects to that, I guess you'll have to make do with rep :)

ALSO! It'd be nice if you posted up the reasons for voting for each sig, just to boost the ego of the artist even more :D

Last thing of all is - A BIG BIG THANKS to all who participated. No matter who wins, a great effort was put in by all.

Ah, I love it when a plan comes together :D


In Cryo Sleep
I vote:

Macca's Lightnin' Dude - This is awesome, it's extremely stylistic, the background fits in perfectly with the picture - and it gives me an epilectic fit just looking at it :D

Traxata's WaterProofBobsicle - I just think this is really nice and clean, great smoke coming off those chainguns, and he did it out the goodness of his own heart for bob (aaaawww)


Junior Administrator
I Vote
Macca's Lightnin' Dude - Absolutly Awsome, not 100% convinced it's fully sig material, but it's awsome nonetheless.
Trax's Tank - Purtty little tanky. Short simple and to the point!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've voted for Traxata's main sig and Tetsuo's Wipeout sig.

In Traxata's main sig, I find the shape and shadowing on the font that gives it a feeling of depth and metal and the backdrop has an excellent multi-layer presentation; the latter isn't complex but it is highly effective, giving a feel of near-future technology. Add to that the soldier avatar that blends beautifully with the backdrop and yet stands out clearly too. It's a well executed piece of composition that doesn't rely on a riot of colour or complex techniques to succeed. Nice one Trax. :)

It's in that same vein that I really appreciate Tetsuo's Team Feisar sig. The shot of the speeder (?... it's from Wipeout, right?) is crisp and provides the primary palette for the rest of the banner. I love the way it sits inside a bulls-eye / stone-ripple pattern that matches its colours and then the backdrop carries on with a subtle two tone ripple pattern. It'd be even better if the Feisar logo was sharper but, even so, the logo is well placed and feels very appropriate for the piece. Great stuff. :)

That said, I'd happily give an honourable mention to many others too but while constrained to two I'll keep it at that.


Junior Administrator
I'm voting for:

1) Traxata's tank. I think it looks bloomin' excellent and I would like a similar one for myself :D I like swishy blue stuff.

2) Rojaws by Ronin. Why? I like simple. And this one is nice and simple but still makes a statement... It's not always about being pretty! I like that text... maybe if it was an electric blue colour I may like it even more! :D


Junior Administrator
Just to give a hint towards my actual thn Forum signature, There is a larger version available ;) that would reside here.

As for my votes, i'm going to look at the sigs in question when im awake not at 2 AM after a long day of work followed by the pub ...

Edit : Psi has voted for them all o_O, Psi.... your a SPOON :D


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I know. He's explained, by way of PM, that basically God didn't like him and threw a clock at his keyboard (don't ask). I can't edit the results of the poll myself (I don't think), so perhaps a mod could do it for me? Danke!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Actually, if he uses one of the 2-series templates then he can use the "Withdraw Vote" button just below the poll.

If a Mod edits the poll then it screws it up, in my experience.


Junior Administrator
I can't help but notice that Psi has in fact voted for all of them. This seems a little redundant to me, do you wanna have another stab at that one Psi.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I see two bob votes...


Hang on, bob, you've voted twice for the same person's sigs. Need to vote for two different people. :)


Junior Administrator


1. Only allowed [size=+1]2 votes[/size] so that it doesn't become too complicated. You aren't allowed to vote for 2 sigs from the same person, either.

2. Vote as you please, but I ask you not to vote for the uberest coolest looking design alone, partly because Macca would win it out the park :p, partly because some of the others have virtues as well, for example DocBot and Ronin's conceptual designs, and Tbones humourous design.

3. The standalone sig with the highest votes wins, the member who made the sig will recieve a fabulous prize consisting of - full use of Haven's body for 1 month. If haven objects to that, I guess you'll have to make do with rep :)



In Cryo Sleep
i voted for Traxata 1 - WaterProofBobsicle and Ronin Storm 3 - Ronin Storm
Traxatas just looks cool (i like mechs)
and ronins has Kenshin which looks cool with ze lightening :)

note: Rurouni Kenshin has swords in which makes it fun to watch 'nd stuff