The Great Haven Treasure is GO!


In Cryo Sleep
Okay, so it looks like I have enough people interested to give this a go. What im going to do now is put down one clue.

This is firstly as a tester for me, to see if the difficulty is right, and also to give people an idea as to what to expect.

Here goes:

A land thats south of of snow and ice.
East of trees and and rivers,how nice.
Right above the seat of rule.
The wildlife rampant, the creatures cruel.
Where am I?

The first person to give me the correct answer on the forums will get a small prize.

EDIT : DONT POST HERE. Pm me it to give others a chance. If you could put your opinion of the clue here, that would be awesome.


In Cryo Sleep

1) That clue was perhaps a little ambiguous, but well done to everyone who got it. And Thanks to EVERYONE who even looked at it.

2) It occurs to me that two answers were nearly right.

The answer is....


More Spoiler Alertment :

AZSHARA - Tis the correct spelling, I checked it


"West of trees and and rivers,how nice."
West of the Eastern Kingdoms then? Dont realy get that part.


In Cryo Sleep
Im such a massive DICK its absurd. There was a sodding, effing typo.
I am SO, SO sorry. Im gonna do another tester clue in a bit.


Junior Administrator

Might I suggest you make use of the [noparse][/noparse] tags around your answer.

That way your post could instead look like this:



In Cryo Sleep
I thought it could be Azshara at first, but I was confused about the "West of trees and and rivers,how nice." bit as well.

So I ended up thinking it was Wyrmrest Temple in DB:

A land thats south of of snow and ice. -DB is below Icecrown and Storm Peaks
East of trees and and rivers,how nice. -West of Grizzly Hills, full of trees and rivers
Right above the seat of rule -At the top of Wrymrest Temmple is Alexstrasza Queen of the Red Dragonflight
The wildlife rampant, the creatures cruel. -Fits I guess

If the clues we get are like this I'm extremely looking forward to the hunt :D


In Cryo Sleep

Because of 4.0.3, this is redundant, sadly. I am SO pissed off, seriously.

Anyway. I will still do one, I love doing them. It will now be an Outland / Northrend based one.

I am still going to use cryptic clues, so you can go out into the zone if you want, or just sit in Org and do it. The only thing I ask is that you dont use WoWwiki.

Expect it up tommorow.