The Guild Weekly Calendar


In Cryo Sleep
I know some people have been saying that there is not stuff going on and/or that they don't know about what is on so this thread is going to detail the weekly calendar of all the major constant events that are happening on a weekly basis within the guild.

This thread is out of date and stands to be updated soon. The information that was here can be found in the spoiler tags below.
-- T-Bone 23/11/09

Friday:- Main Progression Raid
Saturday:- Main Progression Raid (cont.)
Sunday:- Day off, relax and chill
Monday:- Main Progression Raid (cont) or possibly Extra Raid (Sarth)
Tuesday:- Ten Man Raiding for alts/people who still need to gear up.
Wednesday:- PvP Night/Classic Raids
Thursday:- Day off, relax and chill and Officers meeting

If you wish to talk about any of the events the people to contact for each event are;

Tuldur, Arithidrimme
Tingham, Qantaqa, Adriss
Tuldur, Arithidrimme, Swampfae
Tuldur, Arithidrimme, Zooggy (specifically any points or issues you wish raised.)

Note that for anything that has sign ups they can be found in the Events Forum.


In Cryo Sleep
This thread has now been updated and moved to the wiki, specifically here. I will now 'unsticky' this thread.
--T-Bone 24/11/09