In Cryo Sleep
So, Inspired by the Germans vs Paintball thread it got me thinking about Good old US gun control policy. I think ive pretty much got a rock solid argument why the US should adopt a more UK level of policy and i would be GENUINELY interested if someone could come up with a good reason not too.
Instead of listing why GUNZ R BAD, ive instead listed all the arguments made by pro gunners, and broken them down so that, imo theyve been successfully countered.
PLEEEEEEEASE discuss, and keep it civil
Reasons why the US policy on gun control is A-Ok
1: It is my Constitutional Right to bare arms
Correct, However this Right was written a long time ago in a context far far away. For a start this was to allow the United states to be ready for war in 60 seconds (see minutemen) and was a way of avoiding the need for a professional army, while maintining a potent defencive force. It was designed so that you could defend your property from Imposing ARMIES, not thieves. You also now have the most expensive and well equipped army and police force in the world, why do you need a home defence militia. Secondly and more importantly, Firearms have changed alot in the last 300 years. In 1776 Muskets were so inneffective at killing people, that you needed lines of 40 men to fire at once to do any damage. Now, even someone whos played a few videogames, and done a bit of reasearch can kill a room full of people in a fraction of a second. Accuracy is phenomenal, rate of fire is phenomenal, and overall 1 man kill potential is phenomenal. Making you, as a combatant a far greater threat. You cant exactly perform a drive by shooting with a musket. And it would be far less practical to rob a store. But I do have a compromise. You may retain your right to bare arms. But only of those created before the 2nd amendment was written.
2: If your gonna ban guns, why dont you ban knives/chairs/*moronic additions here*
Anyone who qoutes this, really needs to rethink the situation. Knives have a multitude of uses aside from ending human life, and also cannot perform this task at long range. (Neither can chairs btw) A gun is therefor specific in its design that it is a tool efficient in murdering people. Nannums (for example) with a gun could murder me faster (1 bullet can kill a good 70%+ of the time), easier (no phyisical strength is required), and further away than i could ever achieve with a knife. It is also important to note that as a knife is a proximity weapon it would be easier for my victim to avoid and if i were to attack him, there is a much better chance of me being caught due to blood splatter, and the fact that nannums may very well see me on the attack. Pure and simple, Guns are DESIGNED to kill people, knives are not.
3: The Bad Guys are always gonna have them, i need to defend my home/kids/self
This is probably the most important and valid point made. Nomatter how right i may or may not be, the US situation will not change. There are simply put, too many guns in america to get rid of them all. Pro Gunnies believe that if we were to turn back the clock and ban guns altogether. Then the bad people who dont care about breaking the law, and having a gun illegally would still get hold of them, and without the good honest people around to fight back, would be at an even greater advantage.
There is an element of truth in this.
There will always be (in whatever country) those groups who have the hardcore contacts to get hold of such things. However, to deny the fact that "casual" Gun fatalitys, outside of organised crime would not go down is sheer ignorance of logic. If guns are rare, then only the superbad are going to get at them. And they are probably in a very small minority to the rest of your population. It also would probably cut police fatalities hugely, and would result in a less aggressive police force. All i can say is, trust your police. By cutting casual gun crime you would be making them much more effective.
4: Guns dont kill people, people kill people
Walk down the street and pick a few people who look shifty. Would you like to know they had a GUN? "Derf derf, Its ok Gizmo, I has a gun too lol" Shootouts? Are you serious? This is what the police are for! Its all about trust. America is a paranoid society. And quite frankly, i dont trust you. Hell i dont even trust me. If i had access to a gun, had had one too many, had had a really bad day and youd really pissed me off, whos to say that in a moment of madness i didnt blow your face off to spite you. Do you really want to go out knowing that a bunch of on the edge paranoid maniacs have the equipment to kill you in an instant? Maybe i'd feel safe in the netherlands, but the US? are you kidding me? Guns Facilitate the killing of people. And they make it much easier, and cleaner. It takes a certain level of aggression to stab someone to death. Guns, i would say not so much.
5: I am a lady/minority/other and am at risk from exploitation from criminals
Your talking about murdering someone. How can you murder someone in self defence? Any Self defence teacher worth their belt will tell you that getting away without fighting is your best option. There are also plenty of non lethal self defence measures such as mace and at most Tazers. At best run, at worst, give them what they want. Sexual assaults are more complicated. But are we subconciously agreeing that as sickening as such acts are they warrant the act of murder?
6: My friend once stopped a crime by using a gun so...
Good for them, they took a risk, and it payed off. Im sure it is much more common however for such reckless vigilantism to go horribly wrong. And again, back to point 3, guns create potential murderers. If someone is robbing you, is it ok to murder them? If someone is raping you, is it ok to murder them? If someone is trying to murder you? Are they using a gun? Are they in organised crime? Probably Not. But Supply and demand dictates that the amount of guns in america allows for slacker control on who has them.
7: Guns are cool, and they make me feel powerful
They are, and they do. But id rather walk down the street at night knowing that if someone jumps from the shadows i can run away.
So thats it, im sure i missed some things, and got a bit rambly towards the end. But thats my complate counterargument to Gun Policy.
In Summary
Abundance of Guns creates abundance of potential Murderers. And facilitates an easier act of murder.
Instead of listing why GUNZ R BAD, ive instead listed all the arguments made by pro gunners, and broken them down so that, imo theyve been successfully countered.
PLEEEEEEEASE discuss, and keep it civil
Reasons why the US policy on gun control is A-Ok
1: It is my Constitutional Right to bare arms
Correct, However this Right was written a long time ago in a context far far away. For a start this was to allow the United states to be ready for war in 60 seconds (see minutemen) and was a way of avoiding the need for a professional army, while maintining a potent defencive force. It was designed so that you could defend your property from Imposing ARMIES, not thieves. You also now have the most expensive and well equipped army and police force in the world, why do you need a home defence militia. Secondly and more importantly, Firearms have changed alot in the last 300 years. In 1776 Muskets were so inneffective at killing people, that you needed lines of 40 men to fire at once to do any damage. Now, even someone whos played a few videogames, and done a bit of reasearch can kill a room full of people in a fraction of a second. Accuracy is phenomenal, rate of fire is phenomenal, and overall 1 man kill potential is phenomenal. Making you, as a combatant a far greater threat. You cant exactly perform a drive by shooting with a musket. And it would be far less practical to rob a store. But I do have a compromise. You may retain your right to bare arms. But only of those created before the 2nd amendment was written.
2: If your gonna ban guns, why dont you ban knives/chairs/*moronic additions here*
Anyone who qoutes this, really needs to rethink the situation. Knives have a multitude of uses aside from ending human life, and also cannot perform this task at long range. (Neither can chairs btw) A gun is therefor specific in its design that it is a tool efficient in murdering people. Nannums (for example) with a gun could murder me faster (1 bullet can kill a good 70%+ of the time), easier (no phyisical strength is required), and further away than i could ever achieve with a knife. It is also important to note that as a knife is a proximity weapon it would be easier for my victim to avoid and if i were to attack him, there is a much better chance of me being caught due to blood splatter, and the fact that nannums may very well see me on the attack. Pure and simple, Guns are DESIGNED to kill people, knives are not.
3: The Bad Guys are always gonna have them, i need to defend my home/kids/self
This is probably the most important and valid point made. Nomatter how right i may or may not be, the US situation will not change. There are simply put, too many guns in america to get rid of them all. Pro Gunnies believe that if we were to turn back the clock and ban guns altogether. Then the bad people who dont care about breaking the law, and having a gun illegally would still get hold of them, and without the good honest people around to fight back, would be at an even greater advantage.
There is an element of truth in this.
There will always be (in whatever country) those groups who have the hardcore contacts to get hold of such things. However, to deny the fact that "casual" Gun fatalitys, outside of organised crime would not go down is sheer ignorance of logic. If guns are rare, then only the superbad are going to get at them. And they are probably in a very small minority to the rest of your population. It also would probably cut police fatalities hugely, and would result in a less aggressive police force. All i can say is, trust your police. By cutting casual gun crime you would be making them much more effective.
4: Guns dont kill people, people kill people
Walk down the street and pick a few people who look shifty. Would you like to know they had a GUN? "Derf derf, Its ok Gizmo, I has a gun too lol" Shootouts? Are you serious? This is what the police are for! Its all about trust. America is a paranoid society. And quite frankly, i dont trust you. Hell i dont even trust me. If i had access to a gun, had had one too many, had had a really bad day and youd really pissed me off, whos to say that in a moment of madness i didnt blow your face off to spite you. Do you really want to go out knowing that a bunch of on the edge paranoid maniacs have the equipment to kill you in an instant? Maybe i'd feel safe in the netherlands, but the US? are you kidding me? Guns Facilitate the killing of people. And they make it much easier, and cleaner. It takes a certain level of aggression to stab someone to death. Guns, i would say not so much.
5: I am a lady/minority/other and am at risk from exploitation from criminals
Your talking about murdering someone. How can you murder someone in self defence? Any Self defence teacher worth their belt will tell you that getting away without fighting is your best option. There are also plenty of non lethal self defence measures such as mace and at most Tazers. At best run, at worst, give them what they want. Sexual assaults are more complicated. But are we subconciously agreeing that as sickening as such acts are they warrant the act of murder?
6: My friend once stopped a crime by using a gun so...
Good for them, they took a risk, and it payed off. Im sure it is much more common however for such reckless vigilantism to go horribly wrong. And again, back to point 3, guns create potential murderers. If someone is robbing you, is it ok to murder them? If someone is raping you, is it ok to murder them? If someone is trying to murder you? Are they using a gun? Are they in organised crime? Probably Not. But Supply and demand dictates that the amount of guns in america allows for slacker control on who has them.
7: Guns are cool, and they make me feel powerful
They are, and they do. But id rather walk down the street at night knowing that if someone jumps from the shadows i can run away.
So thats it, im sure i missed some things, and got a bit rambly towards the end. But thats my complate counterargument to Gun Policy.
In Summary
Abundance of Guns creates abundance of potential Murderers. And facilitates an easier act of murder.