The Haven and Black Temple :o


In Cryo Sleep
Alright guys WoTLK is approaching ever closer, and id like to belive we can atleast get into BT before its release.

There are roumours its coming out late september or early october. either way i feel that we can pick up the speed a little.

Eternity from my brief time within their guild i found that 1. they havent cleared TK and i dont think they have downed lady vash yet, and alot of them gear wie are on par with us yet they have manages to down the first few bosses of hyjal and BT.

i know we made an attempt not too long ago at hyjal and i think we should try again, also i suggest we also try the first few bosses of black temple.

Realistically the worst thing that would happen is we get a huge repair bill and a slightly better understanding of the boss encounters.

Also for those who are not well geared at the moment and wait for the weekly raids i suggest doing more heroics. Me Nactall and Klown come up with the idea of forming set heroic teams who should aim to at the very least do the daily heroic each day and get themselves the badge loot, if people have the time and put in the effort there is no reason why we cant have enough people geared and ready to take the first few steps into Black Temple.

This is a very ambitious idea i realise but id love to hear if people are up for it.

Repair bills: 100g
Flasks and reagents: 80g
Being able to say the haven have entered Black temple: Priceless ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Progression is progression, mate, take it easy, we'll get there. :)

And in any case, if it's entering just for entering's sake, I'd like to at least pay lip service to the concept of the attunement quest line, even though it's not necessary anymore...

On the other hand, I do realize that many, many people are just itching to see the content, so, no holing back on my account, now. :)



Active Member
We'll get there when we get there. Not a moment sooner, and the moment later we are already there so there's no need to mention that moment.

Uhm... Well, I mentioned it. Gimme a moment to think about that. Another moment, I mean. Not the one I just mentioned. Not that I can't use that moment -after- we get to Black Temple, since it is sitting idle anyway. But that would be pretty pointless, don't you think?

I... I need to lie down for a moment...


Well-Known Member
We're not that far away. The early bosses in BT and MH are easier than Vashj or Kael'thas, but we need a few more people kitted out in TK/SSC gear, and the remaining encounters in SSC - Morogrim, Leotheras and Karathress are all quite entertaining and are good tests of our skills and co-ordination.

We can probably handle the first couple of MH bosses, but for the first boss in Black Temple, we need everyone able to perform well and get enough stamina to have at least 10k health raid-buffed, preferably 11k... this is where the SSC and TK drops are needed, they have good stats and decent amounts of stamina too.

For the first boss in Hyjal, it would be a huge help if everyone had the PVP trinket, so get grinding the battlegrounds.


In Cryo Sleep
Would be ace!!

Id love it as I do like a challenge but tbh i think if there id only a 10% chance of sucsess we could wait a bit..

But I like the mix up of bosses we do at the moment, Keeps us all fresh and excited.. obviously this leads to wipe fests but thats all apart of the parcle of radiing!

Lets get a couple more weeks on ssc and tk (more focus on ssc me thinks as tk is like totaly on farm now dont ya know LOL ) and then say september time crack on the mount and the temple of blackness!

Am I scared...... AS IF!


Active Member
For the first boss in Hyjal, it would be a huge help if everyone had the PVP trinket, so get grinding the battlegrounds.

What is this trinket that thou speaketh of? Tell us, man! Do not leave us hanging!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

For the first boss in Hyjal, it would be a huge help if everyone had the PVP trinket, so get grinding the battlegrounds.



P.S. In a less stick-in-butt response, what I meant is, I've never been inside a battleground, and I really have no particular intention of going into one. Then again, I never realized it was so critical to regular progression, so I may well change my opinion about this... but I will have to be buttered and coaxed, for a reasonably long time... :)


In Cryo Sleep
The reason for SSC badge vendor is so people can skip t5 content and go into BT/MH

Badge gear is nice but getting there via t5 is the way to go imo

We are progressing great having nice fun and i payed for t5 so i want to play it aslo


In Cryo Sleep
The PvP trinket isnt exactly... vital, but damn well helpful in many encounters.

There are 3 versions:

2.5k honour = 5 min cooldown no resiliance

8k honour = 2 min cool down 25 resi

40k honour = 2 min CD and 40 resi

those are only aproximations but for any boss encounter the lowest one should work fine but the 8k honour one having the shorter cooldown is much more useful. TBH just trying to do the daily PvP BG a few times should get you the honour you need, even loosing 1 of each BG will give you enough marks to hand in for 300 honour so its not hard to get one and they are handy to have


Junior Administrator
Staff member
The more than everyone thinks about survival rather than dps the easier things become. This is where the PVP trinket is useful :). Rather than depend on a fear ward or tremor totem you can break the effect and stay alive. For both Rage (Ice trap) and Archimonde (stop the fear that leads you into Doomfire) this comes in handy :)

All I can add to that is Go The Haven! :D


In Cryo Sleep
I noticed noone seemed to reply to the thing about instance groups running the daily heroic every day, would like to hear opinions on that too, cos imo you cant really have to many badges, and even if you can prove me wrong on that point you could still be in a group to help since alot of people actually do need badges.


Junior Administrator
If i'm online I'm always willing to help in instances.

The problem with instances, however, is getting a tank/healer for it.

DPS has and always will be the easiest spots to fill in any kind of group.


In Cryo Sleep
Aye, aye, but the thing is we'd do fixed groups, meaning we'll check what active people we have and try to make a few equal groups that'll do the daily heroic every day wit hthe same group. It could work if we have as many groups as we have tanks/healers, then split the dps evenly between them, and have a rotation for the dps. This would ofc leave the tanks and healers with more badges, and the dps wont be able to come all days. I know there's both upsides and downsides to this idea, and it would take alot of effort, but I think it could speed up the overall gearing in the guild a bit.


First boss in MH everyone NEEDS the PvP trinket. It's because he does a frostbolt thing on a random person that freezes you and will kill you unless cancelled. The only way to get it off is to bubble out and save going in with 25 loladins the pvp trinket is vital. Plus its only like 5k Honor thats chump change!


Well-Known Member
First boss in MH everyone NEEDS the PvP trinket.

What he said. You dont have the trinket, you die, you wipe the raid. For the sake of a few hours in a battleground, its more than worth it.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmm for those that dont like to bg perhaps some haven premades would make it a little more fun and a little less grind? Even if they only do the daily pvp would only take a max of 2 weeks to get the required honour by the time you take into account the mark hand in


Well-Known Member
Honour is easy enough to get. It's getting large numbers of certain marks that is a pain in the butt..