The Haven Guild Bank


Well-Known Member
Right, just had a big clean-up of the guild bank, and in an effort to keep things tidy, I'm going to lay down some ground rules for future usage of the bank, as well as information on permissions and allowances currently in place.


Arbiter: Can deposit items and withdraw up to 20 a day. Can take up to 250G a day out through the gbank or through repairs

: Can deposit items and withdraw up to 10 a day. Can take up to 100G a day out through the gbank or through repairs

Haven Elite: Can use up to 30G a day on repairs

Please do not abuse the bank's funds, and all money taken out direct from the bank will be checked up on.

Bank Tabs:

Each tab has a use, and the usage can be found in each tab's info panel. Here's a quick explanaition of what's in place:

Tab 1: Trade Goods for all professions. Primary storage space for Outland goods, some space allocated for pre-Outland goods.

Tab 2
: Consumables and Gear. Consumables include potions, resistance potions and elixirs/flasks/oils. Gear includes Outland blues and epics, as well as green resistance gear.

Tab 3: Recipes, Tomes, Cards and Librams. Only dropped recipes that aren't very low-level should be stored, and not too many. Tomes for Outland abilities will be stored, all pre-Outland ones have been sold. One or two of each Libram is also stored. In addition, storage of any and all Darkmoon Cards.

Tab 4: Rep hand-ins, quest hand-ins, Bags. Any repeatable rep hand-ins go here, as do the items needed for certain quests (for example, Dark Runes). Any 16-or-more slot bags can go here as well.

Please don't put any useless items in the guild bank; consult the tab info if you aren't sure, and consult someone higher up in the guild if still in doubt. Let's keep it tidy and organised, people!

Also, I would like to encourage people with money to spare to occasionally drop their "spare change" (silver and copper) into the bank, it helps keep the funds up!


Staff member
Are these random people happy that the money will be used for repairs ?


New Member
A good wat to provide the bank with money would be to either find and/or develop an addon that would automatically take out spare change (ie, all silver and copper you have spare) whenever you open the guildbank and if you are eligible...


Well-Known Member
Anything that sits in the bank for ages serving no practical use can be AH'd (I already AH'd a lot of trash that was in there and made several hundred gold that's gone back in already). Also, topping the bank up with spare change (a few silver and coppers should be nothing to most 70s) will help buoy it up a little.

If cash reserves drop too low, then I'll check who's repairing requently from it and ask them to stop; ideally you should only be using it to repair raid damage.


Well-Known Member
My merchant character (Wych) often has spares, more recently things like glyphs, and would be willing to contribute. Would be easier than what I do now, i.e. ask for an officer / mail stuff.

But there doesn't seem to be a "deposit only" level set up?

Also, if you decide I'm a trusthworthy person at any point, I do have skill in making profit on the Auction House so if you'd like me to shift any guild junk give me a heads up / mail Wych it.