The Haven Guild - RP story


New Member
I have been considering the need for a RP background for the Haven guild. So lots of your input would be greatly appreciated.

Lets start with the first point of discussion.

1. The name...

The dictionary gives the meaning of the word 'Haven' as a place of safety.
What place?
And safe from whom?

Please discuss.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps... The Haven accepts all of those who are fleeing from something in their pasts, no matter what that is. The tight-knit community that has formed from this sheltering has made a guild of fighters firecly loyal to each other and the guild as a whole.

Certainly the idea of a guild that shelters its members from their past works well for my character (I'll have to post my RP background at some point, when I remember to finished writing the damned thing up)


that sounds pretty kool twould work for my RP too ^_^ (once i get back that is)