The Haven Videos


New Member
I´m Putting my Vid´s on youtube now aswel but if i do it it gives a error.
(Got it from all the bosses we did yesterday.:D


Active Member
Nice UI :) People somehow seem to be able to squeeze in a lot of stuff but I always struggle even on 1680x1050...


Well-Known Member
Nice UI :) People somehow seem to be able to squeeze in a lot of stuff but I always struggle even on 1680x1050...

I squeeze plenty in on my screen, and I run it at 1024 * 768 windowed :p

Scale down the UI a little, and if it makes the text difficult to work with, try getting a font mod and use a font that works a little better at lower sizes.


Yes I know. Just must put something in there. But if I put something "popular" the audio will get disabled by YouTube



If people do have videos of guild 1st or just some nice video that is somewhat "textbook" I would like to get the video so that I can edit and post it on TheHavenVideos channel on YouTube.

If people are willing to do such a thing, how can I get my hands on that vid.
Its not like someone can send a 3Gb video by e-mail.


Junior Administrator
I remember Lawn making a video of our first ever kill of The Lurker in SSC back in the TBC days, that should be on youtube somewhere...