The Haven ZG raid this Saturday


Junior Administrator
In the title really... Myself and Rajzln wish to have one last crack at a decent THN raid before TBC comes out so we wish to propose a raid on Zul'Gurub on Saturday.

Meet at Grom'gol at 7pm Server time (6pm in the UK).

I am happy to have a go at leading though i have never been to ZG before, and also I will be extending an invite to our friends the Archangels of Damnation but will be telling them that members of the Haven get first priority :D

Calendar event here.

I would create an event on the raid calendar too but it seems i do not have the required priveliges yet after registering...


In Cryo Sleep
it sucked yesterday too!! raid hadnt reset and we had issues with res! not enough priests!!

We need to recruit more lvl 60's!!