The Headless Horseman


Junior Administrator
Staff member
imba shortened version of imbalanced :D We tried him tonight was a bit of a strange group but we didn't kill him :(


In Cryo Sleep
Bob , throwing your head around Is Imbalanced.

I for sure wouldnt call a dude throwing his head around balanced!


Junior Administrator
Bob , throwing your head around Is Imbalanced.

I for sure wouldnt call a dude throwing his head around balanced!

I'm not disagreeing that Imbalanced is one way to describe it i just didn't know what imba was. seems a very strange word to abbreviate in such a way. But hey MMORPGs are weird enough any way


In Cryo Sleep
Too sad, too bad, i wont be taken to groups as DPS, they claim im too low... Meh, hope you guys take me to one ;)


Staff member
If by strange you mean making the dps monkey try and heal you all ... yeah :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Stop being dps for that elitist guild then and turn into a healer monkey again :D.


New Member
3 manned this yesterday, tank, shammy healer and a warlock.

A 3 phase fight.

1. Nuke him down until he dismounts, then kill off the head that spawns asap.
2. He will remount, so nuke him again, then kill the head that spawns after he dismounts again.
3. Guess what?? yes you got it, he remounts. Nuke until he dismounts, then finally kill off his head again.

The trick to this fight is to not bother with the adds that spawn. Leave them, fear them, trap them, whatever. Just keep on nuking the boss when he is mounted, and nuke the head only when he is dismounted.

This quest is a daily, but that doesnt stop all the party members from starting it once each.


In Cryo Sleep
There is some nice gear off of the horseman. Not good for tank types but definitely good for healers and DPS, and a nice plate piece for warriors and paladins. Its got a nice use ability that makes the character laugh like the headless horseman.


Well-Known Member
A plate helm of maniacal laughter... awesome.

Fiiiinally got myself into a group going in, and got the Epic ground-mount broom... combined it with my old Robe of the Archmage and a hat from the AH to zip around the Undercity dressed as a witch, spamming /cackle (works very well for a troll female)