The Humble Bundle 2 - 5 Indy games for as little as $1


Well-Known Member
Pay what you want, as little as 1$ for them all, or more cos it's for charity and you're nice.

Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos and Revenge of the Titans.

- DRM free
- Pay what you want
- Helps charity
- Mac, Windows, and Linux


Active Member
Oooh yes, I missed out on the last one, not gonna this time though!

Shame I already have Osmos though :-/


Super Moderator
Staff member
awesome, loved the first bundle so will definitely have to pick this one up as well :)


Active Member
Humble Indie Bundle 2

Some excellent games this time (my favourite being Machinarium), with the money going to an amazing cause if you so wish. You can, as previously, pay what you like, although I'd personally recommend as much as you can afford given the charitable nature of the bundle.

Full list of games:

-Cortex Command
-Revenge of the Titans

Oh and you can use Steam to download them. What's not to love!

[mod]Threads merged. Haven[/mod]


Active Member
Also, if you already GOT HIB2, you'll get HIB1 retroactively for free! How cool is that!

Also, most of the games are redeemable on Steam, which is just brilliant.

Think I'll have to up the price I paid.