The impossible has happened.... the truth about Woogle


In Cryo Sleep
For all those people wondering "where has that crazy fucker woogle disappeared to?" well unfortunately he no longer exists in azeroth.

One unfortunate day in thunderbluff, while running around in his underwear, screaming about giant cow people trying to steal his sphaggetthi [sp?] with his electromagnetic-gigaflux-reactivator hat on full whack the undead mage was struck by an unnaturally large lightning bolt which obliterated him and flung him into an alternate reality.

below is a link to a video of this crazy being:

yes... he has materialized in the real world, be careful.... he is a little bit insane.

Yes, me and Kershan got bored one Saturday, and using a mixing bowl, pie dished, a straw, tin foil, some electrical tape and about £5 of electronic stuff from maplin created (a very crap version of) the woogle hat.

On a slightly more serious note though, ive just not been on WoW due to a complete lack of interest, and i probably wont be back on it for quite some time, though i hope your all doing well, kicking alliance ass and what not.

Oh and also... Zeejin, if by any chance your reading this you still have my copy of metal fatigue, and id like it back please XD i would just buy another copy of the game but i cant find anywhere that still sells it, so if you would be so kind to post it to me that would be great. if you can, send me an email at: [mod]removed by haven, send it to him in a PM please for your own good ..[/mod], and ill send you my address, it would be greatly apreciated.


In Cryo Sleep
Oh nuts... That hat pwns, really... My friend just keeps laughing at you maniacly, hope you take it as honor from the hat. *Salute* farewell mon


we need a new woogle hat bearer to sacrifice in kara!!!!!! :(


Well-Known Member
How about Gombol? If he dies from it enough, we'll let him off paying all of our repair bills :P


someone will have to boost me through Gnomeregan then! till i can solo it >_>

both for the hat and the i wouldnt mind a couple of other drops either! :D


Just checked the link :D
How many satellites can u connect to!? :p
woogle woggle, u da crazy nutter! :D