The Keyboard Search


Well-Known Member
It's the time when I can no longer bear my [strike]semen encrusted[/strike] chocolate covered keyboard and have gone off in the search of another one. Now, I've seen several ones but here's what I'm looking:

  • Backlights - I need to be able to see it in the dark!
  • Keys that don't fade - I know where all the letter are, but presentation people!
  • Wires - Must have wires, I hate wireless keyboards.
  • Big Buttons - I mean buttons that stick out a bit, not laptop keys, although it doesn't really matter I suppose.
  • Handy Buttons - If there are buttons to open MSN or open Firefox or whatever all the better.
  • Must look sexy!
So here's what I got so far:

Saitek Eclipse II
Logitech G15
Microsoft Reclusa

Although feel free to suggest something else. Rep for help!


Junior Administrator
I'd say go with the saitek, the G15 is just silly money for that silly ass screen.
I love saiteks and if my eclipse ever dies I'm getting a new one.


Active Member
I have the G15 myself and can recommend it. It has all the features you want except the handy buttons for MSN etc (although you could set the macro keys up to open them if you really wanted to). It's also got a good sense of resistance when pressing the keys.

The "silly ass screen" as bob puts it has some good uses. I have a teamspeak mod for it which lets me know who's speaking which I find extremely useful as I often find it confusing when there's a babble of voices and I'm in game and can't see the TS interface.

I also think the Saitek one is fairly ugly so I personally wouldn't go for it myself.


Junior Administrator
my issue with the screen is now more the price that you are paying for it. I'll admit having seen Trax's that the screen is useful but isn't worth the extra you are paying imo. I love the way the saiteks look, i think they are funky. There is a logitech G11 that is only £35 and just doesn't have the little screen.

I'd still say get the saitek it is great value for money and does everything you need and i think it looks awesome.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think two options. The G11 or the Eclipse II. I'll decide tomorow, any more input from anyone?


In Cryo Sleep
Both are good boards. Personally I'd currently go for the eclipse II. The G11/15 are good, but a little bit too chunky....


Junior Administrator
I play using an ergonomic keyboard. Much more comfortable, I find, and really very little detriment for the most part, 'specially in an WASD control scheme.

It's not that you miss anything by having the ergonomic keyboard it is more that most gamers aren't computer professionals who are the type that use the ergonomic keyboard thus there isn't much market for blacklit keyboards. I presume that is the line the keyboard chappies take anyway. As you say once you are used to them they are more comfortable and when getting to wasd it isn't like it makes the slightest bit of difference.