The land of the rising gut?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
They had those over here for a while :) I like on the news article there's an advert for microdiet underneath :D.


Junior Administrator
They have finally done it, someone in Japan has decided to try that get loads of really fat ppl to jump at the same time in a small area and kill a butterfly on the other side of the world. (thats how it works isn't it).

Its called the mega-mac effect.(coming soon to a cinema near you rated R)

But seriously i feel fatter just looking at that.


In Cryo Sleep
makes me wana hurl!

not only is it macD, but....... how would you get your mouth round it!!!!

although, saying that, all these adverts show food to be quite large, but when you get them, theyre quite tiny. false sense of scale.

why not just buy 2 burgers that you can easily eat!?


Active Member
From working there I can tell you...

That mega Mac has 2/5ths of a pound of meat. At the moment here in the UK, double quarter pounders are on sale which have a total of 1/2 a pound of meat, obviously.

Why aren't you complaining about the sheer size of THAT burger?


In Cryo Sleep
Well, KC, despite having more meat, the Double Quarter is still beaten in the calorific stakes by the Mega Mac 740 - 754 respectively (740 from McDonald's Nutritional Info site. Reliable?), probably from the addition of the in-betweeny bun. However, I am surprised that nobody has caused a gigantic uproar about the Double Quarter already.

Personally, I don't really care about how much meat or fat or dead rat is in the damn things for two reasons :
1. Despite the food health agencies arguing that we humans are BRAINDEAD and have no capacity to CHOOSE OUR OWN FOOD the decision whether to eat the unhealthy gorging mass is solely at the consumers discretion, which means that, yes all you American parents, it's your own damn fault your fat pathetic loser kids are overweight and not McDonalds', so don't try and sue them for fifty million bucks ever again


2. I don't particularly enjoy McDonalds anyway. It gives me a headache.


Well-Known Member
Es ist Sachen, wie dieses, die mich froh mich bilden, nur REALES Fleisch essen, keine von dem verarbeitete bollocks.


Active Member
For Psi:

I don't know for sure where or how Mcdonalds in other countries get their meat, but I'm sure I believe this statement that the meat provided for UK McDs is proper and unprocessed. The raw meat looks and smells like mince you would buy in the supermarket.