It has finally come to an end. It didn't think it could happen, but it has.
I will leave this server entirely with this account, and I will soon transfer Ínòríón to the Alonsus Realm.
Alonsus is a normal status realm, and the reason I am moving there is:
I am sick of being ganked when I try to do some quests. Last time I got ganked and corpse-camped by 4x lvl 70, 1x 62 and 1x 61, at the same time for over an hour. The Alliance babies has finally got on my last nerve.
And there for I choose, Alonsus.
It is also the first realm on wich I created a charcter and I know some people on both the Horde and the Alliance side.
I want to be able to enjoy the game by questing without any problems or gankers, RP when I feel like it, and PvP should be on my own conditions. And NOT when it suits the Alliance.
So I thank you for the time in the Haven, and I know I have not been at my best sometimes.
However, you have not seen the last of me, tho I have been in the guild undercover as the little bugger "Xiver". Wich is on my other account.
You will see him from time to time when the account is reactivated.
(Sorry Baldi, I had to stay cool and not give myself away
So these are the last words from, Ínòríón of the Scarshield Legion.
I bid you all farewell, and may you grow and become even stronger!
I salute The Haven!
Always yours: Ínòríón (In Orion)
I will leave this server entirely with this account, and I will soon transfer Ínòríón to the Alonsus Realm.
Alonsus is a normal status realm, and the reason I am moving there is:
I am sick of being ganked when I try to do some quests. Last time I got ganked and corpse-camped by 4x lvl 70, 1x 62 and 1x 61, at the same time for over an hour. The Alliance babies has finally got on my last nerve.
And there for I choose, Alonsus.
It is also the first realm on wich I created a charcter and I know some people on both the Horde and the Alliance side.
I want to be able to enjoy the game by questing without any problems or gankers, RP when I feel like it, and PvP should be on my own conditions. And NOT when it suits the Alliance.
So I thank you for the time in the Haven, and I know I have not been at my best sometimes.
However, you have not seen the last of me, tho I have been in the guild undercover as the little bugger "Xiver". Wich is on my other account.
You will see him from time to time when the account is reactivated.
(Sorry Baldi, I had to stay cool and not give myself away
So these are the last words from, Ínòríón of the Scarshield Legion.
I bid you all farewell, and may you grow and become even stronger!
I salute The Haven!
Always yours: Ínòríón (In Orion)